Sometimes Its Hilarious to Be a Girl

Tomorrow Peabody and I leave for our Hawaiian adventure and I can’t believe it’s finally here!  I am so excited to get back to Hawaii and see the girls and meet each other’s menfolk.  It’s so random and crazy that after a wild three years we are all seemingly settled down and happy at the same time. 

Our trip is two-fold. Half the time we will be on Oahu with the girls and half the time we will be hiking/camping along the Napali coast on Kauai. I cannot freaking wait for either part!  I’ve camped quite a bit with Peabody now but this is going to be true ultralight backpacking over some rough terrain. I’m both excited and terrified and I think this trip is going to be a very significant moment in mine and Peabody’s relationship.

I’ve gotten the outdoors life down pat for the most part.  I’m not worried about being away from a shower for four days or not being able to truly wash my hair. I’m not worried about wearing dirty, sweaty clothes more than once or being make up free for that long. I’m not worried about the hiking or climbing or sleeping in a tent. I’m not even worried about bugs or wildlife or hell even if coping a squat in the woods should the need arise.   But I am worried about one thing. One thing that I’ve been obsessively thinking about. One thing that makes my skin crawl.  One thing that is quite frankly, torturing me a little bit…..

Not being able to shave my legs and arm pits!

Crazy I know!  Of all the things to worry about, but still. Technically I could try to shave at least once out there but with the dirt and sweat and all I just feel like it’s asking for an infection to pop up.  So I’m going to try to suck it up and be as hippie as Miranda can be while we are on Kauai.  We’ll see if I can take it.

See you tomorrow Gwyn and Jules!!!



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