The Captain

Well, it seems Jules likes her boat captains! I went out to lunch with a guy yesterday who is a boat captain! If you remember, The Fisherman (or ex husband #2)  was also one. Of course this one says he  is a real one because he captains a real boat and not a tour boat.
I like him!! He's got some potential. I'm actually going out for happy hour with him tomorrow too! So he's 41-42, super stable, owns his house (which is a big deal in Hawaii), works a great job making really good money, tall and stocky, and he hates sports except for surfing...all wins. The downside is he is a single dad to a 13 year old boy and because he's gone for 5 weeks at a time with his job, his mom moved here to help with his son and she lives with them!!!
He's super sweet and kind of shy, but really easy to talk to and can carry on a conversation without long, awkward pauses. He pulled out my chair at lunch, held doors, and didn't try to paw at me in the parking lot after lunch. He has great manners. I actually talked to him on the phone tonight for like half an hour. I never talk to anyone (even my own mama) for that long on the phone. Originally from the South, he went to college for a few years and didn't excel, so he joined the Navy and became a Seal. I'm not into the military at all, but that's a little badass.
Anyway, we shall see how date #2 goes tomorrow, but I'm calling him Captain. (The fact that I named him is a good sign.)


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