Too Close for Comfort

In the last week small town life at it’s finest has nearly bitten me in my ass.  Early in the week Peabody, I and a couple friends were at their favorite place to eat in town. Now pre-Peabody I avoided this place like the plague because Coach always said all the girls who used to hate on me went there all the time. However since Peabody, we’ve been there quite a number of times and I’ve never even seen anyone in there I knew. Imagine that, Coach lying…

I digress, so we are in there eating dinner and having a good time.  This place is set up with bar seating only and the bar is this long curvy thing that winds in and out all around the place.  Across the bar from me a movement caught my eye and I glanced that way to see who was sitting down and it was…. Coach’s ex-wife. HA!  I wasn’t sure if she knew who I was or not and clearly since the whole break up debacle she and I have had no bad blood but it was still hella awkward.

I nugdged Peabody and filled him it and he said she kept looking at me like she was trying to figure out who I was.  I did my best to avoid making eye contact with her the rest of the time because it was just weird.

So then Saturday night we are at a Christmas party at a friends house in the next town over.  We are having a good time and socializing. I met a few people who know Peabody who I haven’t met before (and just like all the rest in the beginning they couldn’t sing his praises high enough) and this guy comes in who works at the aforementioned restaurant.

We were talking to him and he said he’d invited a friend of his to the party and next thing I know in walks SoCo of all people! Talk about a blast from the past.  For those who haven’t been on this whole journey with us, SoCo was a guy I had a nearly successful FWB relationship with before I met Coach. Then he started dating Coach’s sister about the same time Coach and I started dating. It was awkward and funny then and it was awkward and funny again Saturday night.

I haven’t seen SoCo in forever so we both were surprised and laughed and I had to explain to Peabody who SoCo was; well I left out the whole FWB part lol. Damn living in a small town can be nuts!

Otherwise there’s not a whole lot to tell. Peabody is hoping to go with me to Hawaii in February and I would so love for him to so the girls can meet him.  We are still getting along great and he’s opening up to me more and more from an emotional standpoint. Despite my initial craziness from it, I’m actually really glad we’ve taken things slow from that standpoint.  I just absolutely adore this man and I sure hope he feels the same way about me!



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