Boring Jules

Josie just texted me and said she couldn't believe I have been home alone for over a week and nothing blog worthy has happened. Life has gotten weird. I think I'm processing. Russell moved away in February for a new job. He got fired from said job last week in the biggest case of self sabotage ever because he missed us and Hawaii. So, he is moving back and in with Chloe and I. It is strictly a roommate situation with my BFF, but it's admittedly a little weird, even for me. They come home mid-July.

I am talking to The Chilean again, minimally. I like him, but I don't think we are ever meant to be anything more than friends. I like talking to him though, he's a good friend. He told me the other night he thinks The Fisherman is gay. If you read this, I hope you know he's not the first person to mention this and perhaps it's why you are so angry and have now had three wives, just saying.
No divorce papers have magically appeared from his "attorney" yet...sigh. He sucks a lot.

There is one crazy plot twist going on in my life at the moment, but it feels risky in that I feel like I could lose a friend out of it in the long run, so I am avoiding it. Polly, my friend I just stayed with for a few weeks in town, has the boyfriend I mentioned. She really has feelings for him, a lot. She's married and swears she won't act on them but I feel like her marriage is doomed and at some point things are going to change. Anyway, her bf who we will call Superman, is pressing me hard to hang out and hook up. He's cute and very charming and not a criminal, but because she has feelings I think it would hurt her and I am enough of an adult not to lose her friendship over some cock. The other interesting twist is that he, and then they, wanted to go to a sex party with me. They know I've been to swinger parties before, but I bailed. It feels weird going with them. He doesn't share the same feelings for her and I just see it ending poorly whether or not I fuck him or not. If they go, it's on them but I'm not going to be the catalyst.

Owen is off island on family vacation until July 5th, I think I'm content waiting on him to get back and then the whole family returns for cohabitation again. I'll try to spice things up around here soon!

PS Remember the Gavin clone? Superman apparently ran into him the other day. He didn't move home but instead reunified with his wife and now they are homeless living on the beach and sleeping on some $3 pool mats Superman gave him. Oh and strung out...I think that played into my calming down too.


  1. So many twists and turns!! But good call on steering clear of Superman, that sounds like bad news.
    Love ya

  2. I cannot post this anywhere else without fear of being spyed on. Maybe FB, I've started changing my password daily. Rickie has shown his hand. He has no intention on making house payments since the house is not in his name alone. We are facing foreclosure, my dad has claimed hardship and put it off, but I did not tell him that. He went off last night on me and the kid. My goal now is getting him out and away from us both. My son is scared to leave his room when Rickie is home not knowing what will set his dad off.
    I know Rickie is just as much your friend as I am, but he is not in the right with this and I need you guys right now.
    I'm heading out for job interviews, and lawyer meetings tomorrow thanks to the help from my sister. Positive thought s my dears. Things about to get real ugly.

  3. Oh my word, I am so sorry to hear all of this. I wish I was there to hug you right now. I hope things go as ok as they can in these situations and I will do anything I can to help you (from 5000 miles away and all). Please let me know. You definitely need to do what you have to keep you and the kiddo safe and not lose the house. Much hugs, love, and support flowing your way!! I love you tons. I would recommend at TRO but we all know those are really worth the paper they are written on. At least it's something though, stay safe. :(

  4. You know you are more than welcome to come here!!! Let me know what I can do!!! Much love - Miranda

  5. Thank you ladies, Miranda I might have to take you up on that. A lot behind his back movements will be happening the next few weeks. Running to my Dad's will be exactly what he expects. I may need a misdirection, I'm going to a lawyer this week to determine what will be the best route. But a having a tro, may at least provide some protection in case he tries to take the kid like he has threatened.

  6. Here, my moms, he'll even my office. Just let me know -Miranda


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