What a long strange trip it has been....

Man looking back at that last post sucks.  Four years and some months later I’m sitting at the other end of the infidelity matrix. 

Yep, a mere 15 months after Peabody and I got married - he started having an affair that turned into 18 months of hell with him making me think I was crazy, me being forced to hang out with what was his “friend” and HER husband (yes she was married as well), him becoming verbally and mentally abusive and finally, finally him getting busted, fessed up to it and then him going INSANE when I told him I wouldn’t forgive him. 

The story is long and complicated and painful.  The full story will come eventually. I cried more in those 18 months than I have in my whole life combined.  I fought for him and for the relationship – even when he was at his most abusive.  But ultimately I knew I would never forgive him or trust him again, and I deserve a hell of a lot better life than that.  So I left his sorry ass. 

Our divorce was official in July, I’m happy (for the most part) and ok (thanks to a lot of therapy in the midst of all the misery).  I’ve spent the last year dating quite the array of guys, nursing my wounds, and trying to make better choices – all while dealing with the craziness Covid has thrown into our world. 

Some days I’m bitter and angry. Some days I’m happy and full of light. Thankfully there are a lot more good days than bad now.  I know opening up and writing about what happened will bring some people that told me I got just what I deserved based on my past behavior – and maybe they are right.

But writing always helped me process my feelings, I consider it a form of therapy.  Sure some of our old stories were written for comedic effect or details glossed over to make things more entertaining. 

This time around I’m going to try to go for abject brutal honesty.  So buckle up, because Miranda is back…


  1. Hey! Hate to hear that. Was wondering where you guys went. I've cranked my blog back up every now and and then and I'm going to try to go another way. I'm in a good place right now and want to enjoy it while I can. Good luck and look forward to hearing about your new journey.


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