
Showing posts from February, 2013

Totally random musing for the day…

Earlier I was thinking about Duckie and what a dipshit he is. Note, recently we battled over child support because his pay has increased and mine has remained flat the last few years and he didn’t deserve (according to state guidelines) what he wanted. Yes, I pay him child support (and I just finished three years of alimony) all because he is a slacker who was content to sit back and work low end jobs and never try to improve his career until I left him. Note again – I won the child support disagreement by the way.  I digress. Anyways I was thinking about that whole situation and for some reason started to reflect on my decision to leave him. I can remember after I first told him we had a problem and I didn’t have any feelings towards him anymore. I spent much of the next six weeks wading through my grief over my dad’s suicide and mulling over what exactly I WAS feeling.  I can remember creeping around the idea of divorce. Grieving for the idea of the kids having t...

Moving Forward

Ever had a moment that stopped you in your tracks and you just knew it was what you’d always dreamed about, that you were in exactly the right place at the right time?  I’ve had more than a few of those with Peabody and another really great one last night. He asked me to come over for dinner and we were just hanging out at his house. He was grilling and we were drinking wine listening to some of our favorite music.  We talked all through dinner and cleaning up and ended up sitting in his living room laughing and talking for another hour while we reminisced over our recent amazing trip to Hawaii.  His favorite book is On the Road by Jack Kerouac.  He’s been after me to read it and I just haven’t had time yet.  Peabody told me he had something different for us to do and asked me if I’d ever listened to a book on tape. I told him I hadn’t and he said he’d been planning to read the book to me (omg read the book to me!!  My inner nerd is still doing a ...