Mini Battle

Another battle waged here last night, over guess who? Jesse...THE guy that Russell was seeing in the beginning. I swear men can be so fucking stupid sometimes...I'm constantly amazed that they live so long (sorry men). Russell and I have been getting along great the last few days...I mean like old times great. It's been so nice. And then last night, he blew it. He casually mentioned to me at Chloe's dance class that Jesse has started texting him again...I flew HOT (much to his surprise...see why I say men are stupid?). I kept it all bottled up until after Chloe went to bed and then it all came out. I basically told him that he had room in his life for one of or him and by the way, Chloe comes with me. He had better chose b/c I'm not signing a lease with the asshole if he's going to be parading this guy is front of me. I mean His defense, you ask? He said I thought you said I just couldn't be in a relationship with him. I've threatened to leave you once over this guy, then I actually told you that I am going to divorce you...did you think I was bluffing? Mark my words people, I will find out if he has further contact and if he continues to see this guy I will take him to the cleaners and happily move on...bff or not. Did he miss the term "Hell hath no fury..."? Did he think it didn't apply to him? Idiot...I got a text from him this morning that it's over (again). He told Jesse to stop contacting him. I'm having a hard time believing him since he's lied twice about it now, but wtf ever. I have access to our cell records and his email, so I'll know if I want to find out badly enough.
In happy news, Gavin called me this morning to come hang out with him since he was off. I had to explain that I wasn't, but would be more than happy to come see him tonight as soon as Chloe is in bed and Russell is home from work. Russell came home early last night, so Gavin couldn't come here. I bet Russell wishes now that he'd stayed out.


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