Who Holds The Cards Now?

I went to work out with Damien again today. He's really kicking my ass...hard core, but it's good. I'm just super sore. I have noticed that it's like totally boosted my self esteem though (even after 2 days of it and despite the fact that I'm puttering around like I'm 80 b/c any greater movement causes me to almost pass out from the pain). I think that comes from his praise of my efforts and ability. He keeps telling me that I'm way more athletic than I give myself credit for. Now if you know me, I'm sure you are doubled over in hysterics. Anyway, it's all working for me right now.
Gavin called me today while I was over there. I think he has some weird 6th sense about when I'm with Damien. He calls me a lot during that time and really I don't spend that much time with him. Anyway, we chatted for a while and he starts telling me some shit about his ex. I bluntly told him (again) that I don't know what to say when he brings that stuff up. Nothing I say is going to be the right thing...so I was implying that he should quit it. I'm sure that implication was lost on him. He asked me what I was doing today and I told him I was headed over to Haleiwa to sign the lease on the place behind him. He said that should make things interesting. I laughed and agreed, but told him that it will be a very long time before we have sex again since everytime I have sex with him, he goes MIA. He said he just has a lot to figure out with this ex stuff. I told him that he should act like a grown up and communicate that then...you know NOT a week later. I didn't cave, I stood my ground, I was borderline bitchy (but mostly just firm), and I sounded very confident when I was talking to him...score 1 for me. I'm not sure he'll call again, but honestly I told Miranda earlier that I don't know that I want him to at this point.
Russell and I did sign the lease today. I went to Target afterwards and bought a few things for the new house. I found a patio set and he didn't freak about the money...so we're headed toward better than yesterday. I have no idea what got into him yesterday, but I hope it has passed.


  1. I did chuckle a bit at thinking "athletic" was a term applied to you. Sure you are definitely looking good and in great shape, but athletic seems to conotate some "sports" type images. I don't think I can imagine you playing any sport unless they've added more interesting events to the olympics like the 200 meter attitude! LOL How ever if they come up with a red wine drinking team call me and J so we can sign up!

  2. HA - I know! I am so NOT athletic...my brother got all of those genes. I personally think if McD's can be an Olympic sponsor, than why can't we have a drinking team?!

  3. Athletic! That cracks me up! Maybe if sex was an olympic sport, then you'd be golden all the way girl!

  4. Can't....comment...laughing...too...hard...

  5. LOL, you guys are killing me...ok fine I excel in sex and drinking...happy now?! ;)


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