Ok, Now I Need To Pose The Question

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? LOL...ok yesterday was a crazy emotional day. I was super pissed at Gavin and super freaked out about my period. I started my period as you poor readers are all well aware. Then about 5:30, Gavin called. I was watching TV with Russell and just let it go to voice mail. He called back about 45 minutes later and I did the same thing. Finally, I caved and called him. It seems he had spent the day with Damien and Damien talked some sense into him. He and Gavin's roommate both hammered into Gavin what a whackjob this ex is and that I'm seemingly normal (haha...fooled them!). So, I went over there last night and hung out. We got pissy drunk together and had some fun...woke up sideways in the bed on top of each other at 4am when my alarm went off. (I have to get up at 4am on the nights I spend the night over there so that I can get home before Russell leaves for work and/or Chloe wakes up.) I really hope we move into that house behind his because it will make all of this SO much easier if we stay hooking up.
I came home and was sitting here at 8am nursing a bitch of hangover when he called me again to ask if I wanted to come hang out with him today. Of course, I said yes. I went over, hung at his house for a while, ran some errands with him, and he took me out for a great lunch which was followed by some more fun sex. I told him over lunch that I'm not asking for any type of big commitment from him and that I'm enjoying this right now. I also alluded to the fact that I'm seeing other people and told him that I'm not willing to cut the others loose until I know that this is going somewhere. He laughed and said I sound just like him except he's not seeing anyone else right now. He said as long as he takes priority, he's cool with it. As I was leaving today, I told him to have a great weekend...he got kind of pouty and asked if we could hang out one night this weekend. I said probably...call me. I think I need to string him along a little bit...let him see that I'm not just so wrapped up in him and that I have options. Now that being said, I really do like this guy...more than I care to admit BUT I have only known him for a week (albeit an intense week) and he does have a shitload of baggage.


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