It's Too Early Here to Start Drinking

I can't start drinking yet today because Chloe is selling Girl Scout cookies at our local supermarket at I'll blog for therapy instead. This weekend sucks. I'm super tired today from last night's rumble, I've already mentioned I have PMS, and now to top it all off I'm extra emotionally raw. Gavin called me this morning to say "Hi" and ask what I was doing this weekend. He tells me that he and his son are spending the weekend at the race track and invites me to come up. I tell him (again) I have Chloe and I'm not cool introducing her to men at this time, you know b/c she doesn't know her father and I are getting divorced yet and all. We're talking and having a nice conversation and then he drops this. He tells me that his ex-gf contacted him out of the blue after 2-3 months and she wants to see him. Now this chick is apparently psycho and has gotten so pissed at him twice that she's gotten restraining orders against him (maybe this should be a sign for me to run...remember it for later so you can say I told you so). She currently has one now, but this seems to be her way of doing things. He tells me he's grown up a lot since they broke up and he's kind of found himself (really in 2-3 months...impressive)and he really likes me and doesn't know where this is going, but wants to be above board with he wants me to know that he may or may not see her. I mean ultimately why should I care? I've seen the guy like twice...I think I just read too much into our interaction and thought that he was apparently more into me than he is...alas. I'm contemplating joining a convent...Sister Mary Magdalene has an appropriate ring to it.


  1. Hmm...better find out first whether the convent will allow you to bring your toys in with you

  2. Oh Jules. Maybe he's just seeing how far he can push me. Just from my experience with Sawyer, it seems that sometimes these boys find themselves liking you, they reveal a little too much, and then they have to play the "pull back" game to keep you on your toes. Who knows! Hang in there!

  3. Oh Jules. Who knows what games these boys play. Hang in there and don't give up just yet!


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