The Final Countdown

24 hours from now dear blog readers I'll be sitting in my own bed in my own apartment! I can't believe it's finally here. Today I moved over a small amount of stuff, mostly clothes and I did the good girl grocery shopping trip. Let me tell ya, carrying 10 tons of groceries up three flights of stairs was not joke. But hey, in another month, my ass will be made of steel thanks to those stairs! Ha!

It was very surreal to be in the apartment finally today. It made me very excited and very nervous all at the same time. It just doesn't seem real still. Like I keep expecting to wake up and these last four months have been a weird dream and I have to start this process all over. Lord let's hope that's not the case!

Last night was relatively peaceful as has today been. Of course, it's still early yet and I can tell Duckie is boiling inside. I won't be surprised if he tries to start a fight about the time Leo goes to bed. I'm not going to hold my breath either way.

He's going to be here in the morning when my "posse" shows up to wedge me out of this house. That seems totally weird to me. I don't think I'd want to be here if the situation were reversed. I think all my friends and family who are helping out feel a little weird that he's going to be here too but what can I say? Both Sawyer and Dave (friend from high school) have independently said they're going to pound Duckie if he tries to start anything. I really don't think he will though. He doesn't mind being an ass when its just us but he seems to behave in front of company for the most part. Still, tomorrow shall be interesting! Stay tuned for updates!


FYI - My meeting with Sawyer got postponed today! Boo! Oh well!


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