
Last night I had my date with the Plenty of Fish guy. He's 26, military, been married before, and is a red head...none of which is really my type. I had enjoyed texting with him yesterday at work, so I felt pretty good about meeting him though. The 1st bar we went to was super packed, so we left and went to Breakers. We had a nice time talking, but honestly there wasn't much chemistry there. It was a pretty boring date, yet I think I agreed to go out with him again tomorrow night. Now, the bartender at Breakers last night was SMOKING HOT. He will be mine. ;)
I started working out today with Damien. OMG he pushed me SO hard...I feel old and broken. He's convinced me though that while I've lost a lot of weight, I must tone it up...admittedly there are still jiggly parts that need it. We did a lot of weight training and then I went for a power walk on the beach. Who thought I'd ever be doing this?!
While we were working out, I missed a call about the new house. So, now I'm still waiting to hear on that piece of news. Will I end up living behind Gavin and if so, will I actually be able to resist his cute self when he comes over to borrow a cup of sugar?


  1. How ironic is it that I started out living next door to the man I was having an affair and you're going to end up in that same position!

    Get out all your mad keeping secrets skills!

  2. Haha! The only mad keeping secrets skills I'll need are how to cover up my other boyfriends from Gavin...but since I'm super pissed at him and doubt I'll ever see him again I don't even have to do that! ;)


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