Fly Me to the Moon

So in my haste to go see Flyboy last night I left out a few gems I heard on my date with Nerd Boy.  Things I heard in conversation that were extra special…
  • “I’ve cried on a date before.”
  • “I realized I was pussy whipped all those years but I’ve freed myself from the ‘need’ to have sex now.”
  • “Your eyes are mesmerizing, like magic. They glow.”
  • “I’m a tough guy, a man’s man.” (remember he’s been dubbed Nerd Boy)
  • “I wanted to be in a relationship just to prove I could do it.” (he’s only been separated 10 months and he’s already been in a 5 month long relationship)
  • “Women love me because they see I’m such a great dad.”

Bless his little nerdy heart. He’s a nerd who thinks he has game.  Really!  There were many times last night that I had to look away or turn my face to keep from laughing out loud.  Also, during our park session I managed to lose yet another earring (remember I lost one on the night of bad decisions).  I mentioned it in passing to him and apparently this morning he went to the park about 5:30 am before work and hunted down my earring!  When I got the text saying he had found it for me I laughed out loud. Note: I did this as I was lying in Flyboy’s bed.  Then he sent me another one saying he was trying to get out of his date on Friday night so we could hang out again and that his “head was still spinning from being with me.” LMFAO!

Despite Gwyn’s protests I’m going to go out with him one more time.  He was fun to hang out with and I really want my earring back!!!!

On to my adventure last night.  So after my post last night I sprang from the bed, madly packed my bag (I’m traveling for work today and tomorrow) and dashed down the road to see Flyboy.  About 45 minutes in to the 1 hour 20 minute trip, I realized I was supposed to take Leo to camp this morning.  Oooops!  Bad mom alert! Bad mom alert! I frantically debated between texting Duckie and calling him with some wild story about why I couldn’t do it.  I really felt bad but I didn’t have many options at that point.  Turning around wasn’t happening, getting up early in the morning and driving back wasn’t feasible. I ended up texting Duckie with a “friend in crisis” story and prayed he wouldn’t be mad because we’ve been getting along so well. 

Then I had to make a pit stop in a grody truck stop to pick up some condoms because I’m trying very hard to be a safety girl and I know Flyboy needs the big ones lol.  So I go in this disgusting truck stop at 1 am, grab my box of condoms, and slap them down on the counter. The cashier makes chit chat with me while she rings me up and asks me where the cafĂ© on my shirt is located at. I said, “Oh I don’t know. This isn’t even my shirt. It belongs to a friend of mine and I just threw it on.”  LOL!  She looked quite shocked and it took me a minute to realize what I said and how it looked.  I’m sure she thought I was a totally skanky girl running out wearing a random dude’s shirt to pick up some condoms for him.  Yep, I’m classy yall.

So eventually after a crazy highway detour I made it to Flyboy’s hotel.  I should add he texted me like 50 times as I was on the way asking “are you here yet” “are you here yet” “are you here yet.”  He’s every bit as smoking as I remembered.  I actually got a little giddy and felt a little shy at first.  So there was some blazing hot kissing and making out and sex before we collapsed in the bed and laughed and laughed and laughed at the craziness of me coming to see him so late. 

We kept saying we were going to sleep and then we’d start laughing or talking again.  Flyboy’s honestly the best conversationalist and the most fun guy I’ve ever talked with.  He’s super smart, super sarcastic, and super cocky (in all ways, pardon the pun).  Eventually we did fall asleep and I have to say I’ve never slept in the bed with a more restless sleeper. That man flipped and flopped and turned and twisted I bet every five minutes. But at least he wasn’t a snorer and I didn’t hear any farts. Ha! Also, during the night he told me I wasn't like any other girl he's ever been involved with before.  That's right, I'm awesome! LOL!

Sadly, he goes back to Maryland in the morning and won’t be back until the 26th!  Eek!  I guess texting and talking will have to be enough till then….


PS – To answer how many boys I can squeeze into 7 days – so far the tally is 2 and we’re only on day 1!  Tonight me, my coworker, and her friends are going out to dinner and to some bars down here near the beach.  Maybe I can make it 3! It'd be nice to date a guy who had a beach house...


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