There's Something About the Young Ones

Ok for years I've sworn off younger men...ick. I mean I don't have that whole getting older and need to justify my hotness and sexuality by sleeping with someone half my age thing that men my age seem to possess...but I have to say it is a big fat ego boost when a guy that is 8 years younger than you can hardly wait to put his hands on your body. Andy 26 and I had our date tonight. I was late because I got caught up stalking a baby monk seal here today and so there was no sushi, but instead straight to pomegranate martinis and HOT 26 year old sex. I've been discussing a lot lately about how I like a strong man and Andy 26 fits that bill. When we have sex, he just sort of takes me...he doesn't ask or wait for permission or instructions, he just does it. I love that in a guy. He puts me exactly where he wants me and does amazing things to my body. He loves kissing, so I still get the intimacy and after we cum, we're done. I don't have to hang out or have him hanging around for hours on end discussing life or watching each other breathe. I'm just saying if I decide married/attached men really aren't my thing in life (which would only be out of an effort to rid the bad karma at this point), younger might be the way for me to go. Sadly I did find out today that out of the 2 years Andy 26 had left in HI, he's going to be deployed for two 7 month stretches, one of which will commence in a few months. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but just that it could put a damper on him being a consistent fuck buddy. ;)
PS We're playing with new backgrounds...let us know what you think. I got that the first red one was hard to read, so let us know if you like this one!


  1. "he just sort of takes me.. he doesn't ask or wait for permission or instructions" Love it! My first (and only) married affair started when, after months of flirty online chatting, he followed an unsuspecting me into an empty conference room I was setting up, turned me around to face him and just "took from me" the most passionate kiss ever! I was hooked after that. He knows he can take what he wants (which he does), but also is so focused on giving me pleasure when we make love. I guess because he knows no one else is better at doing that to me than him, which is an ego booster!

    Younger men are definitely hotter especially when they want you! LOL. Maybe taking a break from married men to slow down the karma buildup is a good idea.

    PS This background is better, easier to read dark letters on light background than vice versa.

    PPS dharmachic is too telling, so I'm posting as Anonymous and signing as Mia from now on.

  2. I get the whole "take me" thing too. Much what I prefer. Hell if you look way back at the beginning of the blog that's exactly what got me with Sawyer.


  3. Hot! Well if you can't have quantity, at least you get quality, right?

  4. It all boils down to confidence, doesn't it? ;) Owen would do the same thing for me...he would just take me. They are all mostly very focused on my pleasure as well, but it's clearly about how they are getting off too, which is just HOT.

  5. Young or old, there is nothing sexier than confidence. I think it goes the other way too; I'm sure what attracts men is the same confident sexuality they see in you.


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