Real Housewives of North Carolina

I’m not sure what’s got me hating on work so much right now. I get this way with just about every job I’ve ever had once I get close to the one year mark (I’ll have been at my current job for a year this October). The only job I never got tired of was coaching kids at soccer, but that job just doesn’t pay the bills. It has really got me thinking.

My roommate recently started dating a guy with an Aston Martin and a boat (among other things) and he just spent over $200 on a new bikini for her, they’ve known each other for only about 2 weeks. This has spurred many conversations about men and money and how much of it a girl can ‘take’ without feeling like she owes the man something. Funny enough, the last conversation we had about it I voiced my distaste for taking money/gifts/vacations from men who aren’t officially my boyfriend – and not less than four hours later The Barber handed me $50 just because – I laughed to myself when it happened, but I sure did take the cash lol. It’s a fine line. A very fine line.

I have never been the type of girl to let a man take care of me. I’m independent, grew up with a single mom who worked hard every single day and I’m an only child. I wouldn’t say letting people help me is one of my strong suits. But the further and further I progress in my professional career the more attracted I am to the idea of being a stay at home something. Stay at home mom, stay at home maid and chef, stay at home anything really. If I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not convinced that women are necessarily cut out for the stresses of the work world. We are caring, empathetic and sensitive beings. We want to talk, communicate, nurture, create, etc. We don’t want to haggle with vendors; act like b**ches just to get male coworkers to take us seriously; sit in pointless meetings all day long; talk about work even when we’re not at work, etc. We do it because we have to if we want to compete with men in the career market. My question is, do I even want to compete with men? I’m starting to think I don’t (except on the soccer field of course!).

Another co-worker of mine and Miranda, who sometimes acts as Miranda’s chaperone in my absence, wants to set me up with a guy from her hometown. He is 34 years old and a successful business owner. I now find myself questioning her more about his financial situation and less about his looks and personality – is this what growing up is all about? There has to be a middle ground but right now I’m thinking of revising the criteria necessary to join my man team. Who cares about nice skin and white teeth anymore? I need fat wallets and vacation homes.

Man Team Updates – The Barber came over Friday night and we drank some adult beverages, bought a bunch of scratch off lottery tickets (we didn’t win), ate dinner and had sex for over two hours. It was completely lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. He stayed the night again (fourth weekend in a row…..) and started my holiday weekend off with a bang! On Sunday, Truck Driver texted to try and set up a rendevous but our schedules were off and it didn’t happen. We’ve tentatively planned to get together one night this week – but honestly I had so much sex with The Barber I’m really ok on the booty call for now. The Inmate reappeared and after much prying he informed me that he is going to be a dad. His ex is pregnant. Omg just when I thought this one couldn’t get any more Jerry Springer. I told him that we definitely didn’t need to talk anymore – this was the perfect out for me. I may have a potential new team member depending on how things work out with the guy my co-worker wants to set me up with. She/he sent me some pics on Friday and he is definitely good looking. He even called me Friday night from my co-worker’s phone and we had a brief conversation – I had to cut him off because The Barber was to arrive at any moment. I told my co-worker she can give him my phone number so we shall see where this one goes. UPDATE – the blind date guy, we shall name him Motocross Man, is coming to my co-worker’s house this Saturday for a cookout/pool party and of course to meet me! He called last night but being the grandma that I am, I was already asleep.



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