3 days, 3 dates, 3 guys

Well you guys know about Friday night’s sex date and Saturday’s lunch/beach date, so here’s the rest of it. Canada and I had a great time on our first date. Apparently he had such a good time that he’s already told me he’s cancelling his Plenty of Fish account to focus on us. Yes, we had one date that I would like to add ended with just a kiss. I’m a little afraid to do anything else at the moment for fear of him giving me an engagement ring afterwards. We had a conversation about feelings yesterday, yes seriously. I basically told him I freak out when guys express those types of emotions and he might want to reel it in some. He took the conversation very well and hasn’t brought up how he feels about me again. Now that being said, I know we’ve texted back and forth like 300 times since then. He’s a chatty one. He ended up being off today, so we’ll see if it slows down tomorrow when he’s back on. I was supposed to see him for lunch tomorrow, but I have to go car shopping so he’s coming over tomorrow night. We also have a date planned for Friday night.  I really do like him and he’s easy on the eyes. He just seems to fall into that late 30s, early 40s thing I’ve noted men are into…which is finding their next wife. No thank you…
Last night I wasn’t feeling great, but I decided to still go out with Utah. I did this for several reasons, one of which was just catty and mean. Russell was late coming home from work last night (for legit reasons) and so initially I bailed on Utah because in addition to that I also wasn’t 100%. Well Russell told me that if I wasn’t going out, he was and so I went mostly out of spite. I’m just like that sometimes. I ended up having fun. Utah and I grabbed a bottle of wine at the local 7-11 and went to a beach to sit and drink it. He’s a great conversationalist and is also recently divorced. He’s 28 and his ex wife is 44….can I get an ewwwww? My mama would die. I like him a lot and will probably hang out with him again as a drinking buddy, but the chemistry wasn’t really there. He also wore socks and tennis shoes to the beach, c’mon now.
I’m exhausted today and plan to sit on the couch and relax tonight. Russell invited our neighbors over for dinner this evening, so this should be interesting. He and I had an eventful night after I got home. He texted me when I was on the way home to see if I wanted to sit and have a glass of wine with him. I agreed and we started talking. As we were talking, he said I was being mean to him, but really I was just teasing him about stuff that he decided to take personally. Sadly that’s how most of our exchanges are these days. He’s very thin skinned at the moment and it’s annoying me. He went inside and I left him alone for a few, but then I decided we really needed to talk about it. I ended up getting pissed at his lack of communication and went back to my room, only to come out once more and actually finish the conversation. The back story on this is Friday night after I got home from my sex date, he went to his boyfriend’s house to spend the night. He didn’t tell me he was going and he left all the doors unlocked, which is what I was initially pissed about Saturday morning when I got up. We had previously agreed to tell the other parent if they are in the house alone with the child. Then I realized that he’d told Chloe he would sleep with her and he totally bailed on that. I had given him the what for on Saturday about this and we’d really not seen each other since then. Basically last night I told him that I miss being able to talk to him like we used to and I also told him he’s been a pretty crappy dad lately, with this being the most recent case in point. He agreed and said he plans to make some changes. It was kind of tense conversation, but we finally had an actual conversation about something. Stop the freaking presses
I've been texting Maui intermittently all day. I really think he could be an interesting guy and he just turned the heat up a little bit. I'm super curious to meet him. I hope he flies me over to spend the weekend soon, like before school starts! 


  1. As Gwyn would say, Canada sounds like a stage five clinger. You gotta watch those. They can be super fun and give you great emotional services but you gotta play them careful. Lately, I feel like I either get total playboys who are trying to play the player (like they could ever best me!) or total stage 5 clingers. I can't wait for you to meet Maui! Any guy that's going to get on a plane to meet you gets props in my book!

  2. BTW, way to go on the 3 & 3 & 3. Doing back to back dates like this is tiresome but fun! I love it. The next step is doing the double-book. One for lunch, one for dinner. That's when it gets really crazy!!!!!!

  3. Sometimes I am ridiculously impressed by how maturely you handle conflicts with Russell.

  4. Oh Diner Nighthawk if only you'd seen the front porch fray...you would be far less than impressed. It was bad...really bad. I'm trying to make amends for that at the moment and to manipulate him into paying for me through school again...don't be fooled by my maturity. ;)


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