Keeping Them In Line

So here's an update on my current boy toys...I'm pretty much over them all except Andy 26 and Owen. Although Andy 26 screwed himself a little bit last night and not in the way I'm sure he had intended. I had told him Friday night that it was possible my house would be free last night and that if he wanted to come up, he could. He said he would let me know and at 5pm when I hadn't heard from him, I started wine time...which lead to beer time...which lead to a shot of moonshine coffee liquor...which lead to more wine time. Needless to say at 9:20pm when he texted me to see if I had plans, I was barely coherent. I told him Russell was home as well since I hadn't heard from him, I hadn't asked him to go to his bf's. He said he'd been drinking too and guessed we would have to meet up another night this week. I recommended in the future that he alert me prior to 5pm if he wants to see me that night. God, I'm starting to get like my Dad. If it's after's a crap shoot what you are getting.
Anyway, I'm kind of holding out for the really good stuff now that Owen's return is imminent. We're having to use email due to his wife's suspicious nature and I swear it's almost as painful as waiting for a letter in the mail. How did people do this back in the day where you had to actually wait for a handwritten letter?? We've pretty much secured that we're meeting Thursday evening on his way home from work. I am so e-x-c-i-t-e-d!!
Canada is just being given the boot. I'm over it...I don't have time for nor do I want clingy in my life right now. Andy 26 is the perfect combo of not clingy, but pays enough attention to me and clearly Owen meets my needs in a way that no other ever has before, so why mess around with this guy? I'm going to order my own glass toy and go from there, but I'm waiting until I get a coupon because it was expensive when you added in the shipping. LOL, yep I'm bargain toy shopping these days.


  1. I want to know how a guy finds a gal like you. I have been looking for someone with your attitude for YEARS! It's like winning the lotto...which I have never and most likely will not. I almost believe that 90% or more of women are irreversibly sexually repressed. I am holding out for that 10%.

  2. There ain't nothing wrong with a good bargain. Good call on Canada. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up outside you house holding a boombox over his head playing you a love song...

  3. Miranda you're killing me. Yeah we agreed I'd call him, not to call me...but I wonder if he breaks it this week or not. I think he got the msg loud and clear though.
    @ Discreteinaz - We're out here! I found Owen on Craig's List actually...he's by far my best internet find. We've been seeing each other for about 18 months (with a few breaks over the summers due to wife's suspicions and/or our kids). It's the perfect "relationship" for both of us. We meet each others' unmet sexual needs and we don't have to put forth any emotional energy. Believe it or not, it's hard to find guys like that too!

  4. I'm also biding my time for a good deal to come around for the toy I'm lusting after: the Njoy Pure Wand. It's like a work of art that delivers.

    Sounds like those two are definitely keepers (for now!) A little advance notice is always appreciated, gives you time to prep up!

  5. Whoa that is a work of art! I've never heard of/seen those before!
    Yes these 2 definitely are keepers (for now)...lmao!

  6. "We're having to use email due to his wife's suspicious nature and I swear it's almost as painful as waiting for a letter in the mail. How did people do this back in the day where you had to actually wait for a handwritten letter??"

    LMAO... I agree! When I'm waiting on an email from someone I really want to hear from, I check my email way more frequently than I want to admit.

    And glass toys are simply fucking amazing. <3


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