What's This?

I’m going to start calling my house the maxi-pad (Reality Bites rip off). I am currently living with 2 gay men for the summer. Russell’s college roommate has moved in with us for the summer to help take care of Chloe while she’s out of school and we’re working. Two of my girlfriends are coming to visit…it seems an appropriate moniker. I’m excited about this summer though. I finally feel like I’m coming back into me after years of being a mom and a wife. It’s nice to find myself again.
Remember how like yesterday I posted on my possible summer line up? Well, we’ve had another fly get caught in the web. About a year ago, Russell and I met this guy that was in the military. His name is “Jay”. Jay’s fantasy in life was a 3sum, but we gave him a 4sum instead. Russell was seeing someone at the time and everyone came over one night and it was intense fun. Well, Jay got weird afterward and said he couldn’t do it again b/c his gf had moved out here. Then he contacted me a few months later, we exchanged some emails, but nothing materialized. I think it was right before he deployed and we had company or something. Last night out of the clear blue sky, I get an email from him saying he’s back from Afghanistan. I told him the update on our current situation and while he admitted to really enjoying being dominated by Russell…he preferred seeing me. I was home last night after a lot of wine, so it really wasn’t appropriate for me to drive onto base. He’d apparently been drinking as well and didn’t want to leave…so we just texted for hours. Here it is 1:30pm in the afternoon and I can hardly remember what I ate for breakfast today, so my memory of him is hazy but I do remember being very disappointed when he sort of fell off the face of the Earth after that one evening. I may have to make a space for him as well because he’s got a big ole freaky side and I love that. Sadly though he’s stationed across the island from me as well…that distance is a kicker.
The Hungarian has been blowing my phone and FB up, but in a cute way...not in a clingy way. He's texting me now telling me how much he misses me and how he's surprised by how much he thinks about me....awwww, I think he has a crush too. I'm gearing up for our weekend date-a-thon.



  1. Just had to say I totally know what you mean about feeling like you are finally coming back to yourself. I totally feel that way too.


  2. So is Jay bi too, or was it not that kind of threesome? And I have been kind of curious: with Russell coming out of the closet with you and all, has that affected your opinion of bu men in general?

  3. Yeah, I no longer believe in bi...you're gay or you're not. I think if you say you're bi it's b/c your not ready to admit anything more. Jay is saying he's straight, but I'm thinking he's military and towing the party line...I've actually decided that meeting up with him again wouldn't be the best idea.

  4. How interesting. I can't say I blame you, given history. Heck, you see it happen all the time, ESPECIALLY with bi males.

    I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by saying so, but I hope that's not your only reason for turning down Jay. I've known a lot of truly bi guys like myself (and a few mostly straight guys who were just REALLY freaky :-P) - it sucks that Russell didn't have the emotional maturity to be honest with himself about his sexual orientation BEFORE he destroyed your marriage and overcomplicated your family situation. I'd hate for it to cost you a potentially great hookup too :-)


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