Boys Boys Boys

I love being single so freaking much!  Each week in the summer, my work hosts an outdoor concert.  I typically volunteer to work the VIP section.  It’s easy, I can flirt with guys old and young alike, and I get free beer.  Can’t beat that!  So last night instead of working the “door” like normal I hopped behind the bar and lived out my fantasy of being a bartender.  I flirted left, right, up, down, old, young, ugly, cute.  It was crazy fun. 

One of the other volunteers got very flirty with me too.  He shall be known as Baby because….he’s only 24.  Eeeek!  I know!  I’m a cougar; actually, he said I’m just a cub.  We did exchange numbers and some very flirty texts afterwards but I’m keeping Baby in a playpen for now.  Though I’ll admit, I had some Mrs. Robinson fantasies while playing with Baby and tending bar.  At any rate, he’ll be at the concerts for the majority of the season so he shall provide me with great entertainment and more than a little ego stroking.

The Hot, Hottie, Hotterton (H3) beer guy from last week was working again and I got to spend some quality time with him.  H3 is so freaking good looking.  He’s drool-worthy!  I think he and Gwyn would be a perfect match.  She needs to bring her game on and make sure she’s there next week cause I can only be good for so long and something about H3 has Gwyn written all over him.  We did have some good conversation last night though and potentially he’s “sort of seeing someone” but I told him none of us cared about that.  LMFAO!  He’ll be around all the concerts and will be a lot of fun in the weeks to come.

In other boy news…  Motorcycle Man, after pressuring me for a date all week, got sick on Wednesday so we didn’t actually go out.  He has been trying to secure a weekend date but I’m being a bit of a stickler and telling him he has to have a plan for what we’re going to do and it has to be good.  I’m not his girlfriend and no way do I like him enough to just give up a weekend night to “hang out” until we figure out what to do.  He said I was being so freaking difficult and I just laughed.  I think I pissed him off Wednesday night because I haven’t heard from him since then.  I think I’m gonna let him fade back out.  We’ll see if he calls tonight about tomorrow.  The problem is I have booked myself for potentially the whole weekend.

Texas - My dreamy virtual boyfriend, he popped up with a text the other day that he’ll be back in this area in June.  I mentioned that that date was right around my birthday.  He texted back that that fact hadn’t escaped his attention.  This might just change my potential birthday plans if Texas will be where I can get a hold of him in real life.

College Crush – I’m greatly anticipating our date next weekend but I’m still scared he’s a doughboy.  The texting has definitely intensified and he’s not at all afraid to flirt heavily now.  I might have written a check my ass can’t cash by bragging about being able to drink a lot.  See in college I could.  I was the girl who could drink the guys under the table.  Now not so much though I can still hold my own.  We got in a series of texts about making a wager about that.  He threw out there, loser buys dinner when he comes to see me next time.  Nice he’s already working in the second date plans and we haven’t even had the first yet.  Guess we’ll just have to wait and see if he passes the fatty test next weekend.

The Giant – I had some surprising news from the Giant.  He’s going to be going overseas in about a month for a 9-month stint as a civilian contractor.  I knew he’d done that before but this came up quickly.  He just found out/agreed yesterday.  He’s gonna make $125K for 9 months work.  Crazy!  So I asked him well where does that leave us, did he want to keep hanging out.  He said he did but he was concerned about it being smart to get “involved” and “have feelings” when he was going to be gone so soon for so long.  Awwww – LOL.  I told him I was fine either way and that I knew he had a lot to take care of before he left so he just needed to think about it and let me know.  I’m still up for hanging out at him, hell it’s just getting into prime lake time.  I am disappointed that all my dreams of a summer fling with a lake house have now been dashed. 

FJB – No news to report. I’m still following Gwyn’s strict orders of no contact.  I think I’ve been instructed to email or IM him after the weekend. We’ll see where it goes then. I would like to see him again but I’ll admit with all the other man drama and the reappearance of Lawyer Boy, FJB has been knocked down a few pegs in the team standings.

Sawyer – I was weak and gave in after a month of being so strong and saw Sawyer this morning.  He’s definitely trying to pull me back in under his spell.  He told me that he’s planning to leave the wife this summer not that I believe it.  Sounds like things have gotten much worse for him with her though and if he does make that decision, I think it’d be the best for both of them.  Please note – this does not change where things stand with he and I.  I was just weak and damn it, he’s like a best friend in a weird sort of way, which only adds to his appeal.  But I’m strong, I am woman, hear me roar and all that crap.

Lastly but most excitingly, tonight starts Lawyer Boy and my weekend date!  Ever since I called him earlier this week he’s been blowing up my phone calling and even texting quite a bit.  I think he might really like me yall LOL.  When we were making plans earlier in the week he mentioned that he probably needed to not go too wild Friday night because he did need to do some studying on Saturday.  Then he said, hey if it’s alright I’ll just bring my books with me and I can study at your place Saturday.  HAHAHAH!  As the week progressed, this turned into an all weekend date.  Yeah, he’s planning to hang out with me until Sunday.  So in essence, I’ve committed myself to a 48-hour date with him.  Should be interesting.  I sure hope the chemistry in person is still as hot as it was from before.  Something about this guy…  I told Gwyn as I ran and errand to return a dress, I found myself buying new “Level 1” underwear (she must post about her levels of underwear – it changed the way I dress for dates lol) and literally breaking out in to a sweat as I remembered how banging his body was and frankly how freaking amazing the sex was.  If I get to see that body and have that sex all weekend, my Sunday afternoon update post will be quite dreamy.  If I get the chance, I’ll do a little mid-date update.  Stay tuned….



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