It's like they can smell the blood in the water

Wow. Way too much happened last night. I had planned for this post to be entirely dedicated to my date with the Giant but after the date, I encountered a boy texting/calling/im’ing feeding frenzy the likes of which I’ve never before experienced.

First, I had a really funny experience before the date even started. I was meeting the Giant right after work so I had brought all my stuff with me so I could change and be on my way. So after I had changed I busted out of my office and who did I run smack into, my boss and his boss. I had the short skirt on, boobs up on display, sexy heels, and a lot more make up than I normally wear. In short, I looked nothing like I do on a day-to-day basis. They both stammered and looked at me with bug eyes. I couldn’t do anything but smile and act normal. My boss managed to say, “Looks like someone’s going out tonight.” The only thing I could do was deadpan say “Well it is cinco de mayo” and then I strutted off down the hall. It was hilarious!

On to the date. The Giant is an all around good southern boy with a healthy dose of dorkiness, but not bad dorkiness. We met at a local Mexican restaurant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. I admit I wondered if he was going to be as tall as I hoped and let me tell you he was! I felt a little swoon as he walked up to meet me. I mean I don’t quite reach his shoulders or as I told Gwyn, it’s a totally eye to nipple situation LOL. He’s very proportional though, he doesn’t look like a giant just a really tall guy. Though I totally noticed that his hands are no wear near the size of the FJB’s hands. Hmmm. He doesn’t have the style of Lawyer Boy or FJB, but he looked nice and he definitely had his good manners on display. We did the hug meet and greet which I’m a big fan of and went in to have dinner.

The conversation was good though I could tell he was a little nervous and he does this weird little chuckle from time to time. Also, let me tell you about his voice. For such a big guy he doesn’t have a deep voice at all. It’s not Mike Tyson tinny, its middle of the road but he does have a wee bit of gay to his voice. At dinner he told me one of his businesses has him interacting with furniture dealers (AKA gay guys) a lot and for some reason they always flirt with him but he didn’t think he acted gay at all. In my head, I was totally thinking yeah but you sound gay enough to be questionable LOL. Sometimes my inner dialogue cracks me up! The Giant actually grew up quiet close to where I do so we have a ton in common. Kind of nice to have that shared sense of history.

After dinner his “surprise” was bowling. Okayyyyy a little high school but it was fun. I did beat him 3 games out of 5. Go Miranda! During the bowling excursion, I got obsessed thinking about his pierced nipple. He had on a button down shirt with a T-shirt under it and he took off the button down at one point because it was a little warm inside. I could see the ridge of the pierced nipple and it all went downhill from there. Every time I brushed by him I had to resist “accidentally” touching it. We wrapped up the night at a bar with a few drinks and laughing at all the old guys hitting on the young girls.

I swear during bowling and the bar I did everything I could to let him know I was feeling him. The lingering eye contact, the “accidental” touches, the leaning in close when he was talking. Hell at one point during bowling I even strategically positioned myself so the girls were all on display and he was such a good guy (or so sly) I never even caught him checking me out – though the 13 year old boy next to us got a good eye full! He walked me to my car and I totally expected the goodnight kiss at this point. Instead, I got a hug/cheek kiss combo and then a hand kiss. It totally caught me off guard but it was actually nice. He did say he wanted to see me again and I told him I thought that was a good idea.

On my way home the feeding frenzy started. Motorcycle Man started texting me like crazy and then he called me and asked me to come out to his house. I said no way, it was too late, I’d already been drinking, and hell, it’s just not going to be like that anyways. I managed to get in the door to my apartment before the full on assault started. Now I had an “im” date with Texas already planned so as I booted up my laptop my phone went crazy! Texas texted me, Motorcycle Man continued texting me, the Giant started texting me, College Crush started texting me….OMG it was out of control and went on for 2 hours. Here are the highlights – but please note these are divided out by boy. When it was going on, it was all jumbled up and hitting me up one right after another. Thank God I’m a multitasker!

Motorcycle Man – He actually texted and then called me again. He was trying hard to get me to come see him but that wasn’t happening. I did ask him if he slept with the saloon girl and he says no. Hmmmm. He asked if we could go out Friday night and I totally gave him a maybe lol. Then he wanted to talk dirty. I had to say no again and quickly ended the phone call with him.

College Crush – Apparently, I wasn’t the only one celebrating cinco de mayo. He started texting me very flirty things which is so not the norm. I called him out on his drunken texting LOL. He did start the texting off with calling me “Baby” a first for him. We are definitely going out at the end of the month and he so kindly offered for me to stay at his place if we indulge a little too much – HA! I told him that was probably smart and he said well I do only have one bed so we’ll have to figure something out. I said I wasn’t scared or worried we were both adults and I was sure we could behave. He definitely doesn’t sound like he’s hesitant to see me anymore so either he’s not a total doughboy or he’s been working out with a trainer. Only time will tell…

The Giant – so via text we decided to go out again Friday night (big bump to Motorcycle Man). The Giant lives on a lake nearby so I’m going to go for dinner and a sunset boat ride. Sweet though I told him he had to behave. I’m telling ya I’m sticking to the 4-6 date rule! He did say he wished he’d kissed me and that made me laugh. He also asked a lot of random things like was he my “type” and did I like moonshine. LOL

FJB – FJB popped up online unexpectedly and thankfully, we only chatted for a few minutes. There was way too much going on for me to handle another boy in the mix. He’s coming to take me out tonight and we’re going to stay in the city I live in. That’s a little chancy. So far, I haven’t done any “local” dating so tonight I may be on edge a bit looking around expecting to see Duckie or someone else I know. Should be interesting to say the least….

Texas – I switched from texting to im’ing with Texas mostly for my sanity. Amongst all the other random boy innuendo and flirting it was nice to have him keep it pretty tame. However, he did say a few things that really pushed the envelope for him. I asked if he really wanted me to come to Texas or if it was one of those things you say without really thinking it through. He assured me he wants me to come and said I need to pin down a date soon for my Texan holiday. He also told me that “meeting” me and getting to know me was one of the best surprises he’d had in a long time – AWWWWW! I eventually weeded off all the other boys and just talked to Texas for about 2 hours. We tend to get in these intense conversations. I swear I know more about him at this point than I do some of my friends who I’ve known for years. I told Gwyn the other day that I can totally see me going to see him and him being such a gentleman that I wouldn’t even get to kiss him. And if I go all the way to Texas, regarding of who’s footing the bill, and don’t even get a kiss, that will just be ridiculous! I can’t help but wonder if I do go to Texas, what if I really like him, like really really like him. I mean falling for a guy who lives in another state would so not be a good thing.

Last night was intense with feeding frenzy. Here’s hoping they at least spread themselves out a little more in the future.



  1. Yes, we were not the only ones celebrating Cinco De Mayo. The Inmate called me high as hell because he decided to engage in herbal remedies for the first time in 5 years...

    Then I got a random "Hello?" text at 1:15am from my ex ex ex who I haven't heard from in almost a year. I guess Tequila gives you balls.


  2. Wow Miranda... sounds like you had your hands full last night! You should definitely go to Texas to see Texas (haha) because if you don't, ten years from now you'll be wondering "what if" - take a chance! :)

  3. It was crazy. I mean sometimes they stack up but I got almost 150 text in 2 hours. And Texas was on the computer only! Sheesh!

    It took all my multitasking skills to keep it straight.

  4. Wow, this makes me tired. I know putting up with hubby takes alot of time, but not THAT much. Glad I have one I like now! LOL

  5. I thought you were exaggerating until you said 150 texts. Now my head hurts.


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