Waiting to Exhale

So things have been all over the place this week. After FJB’s weirdness of our last date, I finally had a blunt conversation with him. Apparently, after our night together I sent him a text that was “I’m still in bed. Haha. FJB (well his real name) rocks!” When he got that text, he thought it was odd; that it sounded like I didn’t mean to send it to him but to one of my girls instead. That coupled with the fact that apparently I let it slip that night that I had a joint blog with two other girls made him feel a little awkward. (I'll say on one had I think this whole issue is stupid but at the same time if the roles were reversed, I can understand why he feels like this. Also, I wish my lips didn't get so loose when I drank! I haven't told any of the boys other than Sawyer about the blog and I can't for the life of me think why this came up in conversation. Oh well!)

He was up front during this discussion and said right off the bat that he has “trust issues” and that he’s a really private person. Maybe some girl has really done him wrong in the past? I haven’t really delved into his past dating life yet but it sounds like it’s about time to peel back the layers and see what makes FJB tick. He did fess up to this internal issue being why he was so reserved last time we went out but that he was legitimately sick last Saturday when he canceled.

I reassured him that that text was meant to be sent to him and that the only things I’d say blog wise had been very complimentary and very non-identifying. I did tell him in the future if he preferred to not be mentioned in the blog, I’d do my best to hold myself to that standard. He asked to read the blog……um, that got a big NO. I told him it was basically a diary, because it is, and that it’s done with two other girls and it’s really not fair to reveal their personal business, especially since he has a good chance of meeting Gwyn if he and I continue to date.

He said he really liked me and he wanted to trust me and he knew he was just struggling with his own issues. I told him I liked him and that I’d been as straight up as I could be with him and that the ball was in his court now if we were going to go out again. I think things ended on a good note. He posted a little jokey thing on my Facebook page yesterday so now I’m just playing the waiting game to see what he’s going to do next. I hope that we’ll go out tomorrow.

The hard thing will be that if we continue to date and he says he doesn’t want to be in the blog, it’s going to be hard to stick to that. This has definitely become my therapeutic outlet for talking about what’s going on and reveling in the fun of my single girl social life. That being said, I do already like FJB enough that I would do my best to respect his wishes and I’d put the rest of Team Miranda on hold. Hmmm, that tells you an awful lot about me huh?

In other boy news, Motorcycle Man has definitely ridden off into the sunset. After ignoring him while I was out with the Giant, I haven’t heard from him since. Too bad I never got those Rainbow flip flops he was gonna buy me. The Giant and I have texted most of the week but I’m trying to let that slow down so I can see where this thing with FJB is going first. I can see me and the Giant dating but it doesn’t make as much sense as me and FJB. College Crush has been quiet this week but High School Crush came back with a vengeance yesterday. He’s pretty funny – and pretty freaking hot! Last but certainly not least, Texas has been punishing me this week – LOL. After being an affirmed non-texter, he’s gotten slightly addicted to texting the last few weeks and I teased him about it on Monday. Apparently, he’s trying to teach me a lesson in self-restraint and he’s been refusing to text me since then. Though he’s still emailing and IM’ing me. I told him my phone misses his phone haha. He’s funny. We had a very interesting long conversation Saturday night, which I’ll post about later.

Keep your fingers crossed for FJB!


PS – I’ve been very, very strong this week and only exchanged a few emails with Sawyer on Monday. But it’s hard. Bad habits are so hard to break!!!!


  1. That's understandable, if not a little self conscious. Going with the Diary metaphor, if you end up in a serious relationship with this guy, does that mean you have to stop keeping a diary altogether?

  2. Well I've been thinking about that. I don't think it means the end of my part of the blog at all. I think it would just change it somewhat. And even with my best intentions, I'd still need to vent/rave/share about my relationship ya know?

  3. I am not sure how a blog is any different than dishing to your girlfriends, it's not like it is advertised. And what guy wouldn't think you'd dish to your friends?
    Still I like FJB :)


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