Well Now...

I had an interesting date last night with a new guy, Gaines. (Of course I must interject that after Miranda's very poignant posts of late, anything I write seems a little trite at the moment...go with me...I'm the shallow one.) So I "met" him over the weekend on Plenty of Fish. He's a cute guy...not OMFG handsome, not super surfer body, but cute...boy next door kind. He said he wanted our first date to be snorkeling, which I love but it is hard to schedule around my current dating schedule with Chloe and Russell...so we decided to meet for a "pre-date" at a local bar for drinks. (Incidentally, I found out that my bartender crush is married last night as a result of this pre-date. He was calling me "sweetie" and quickly apologized saying his wife hates it when he does that. I told him I'm Southern and don't mind...alas.)
Gaines had told me that he had to get up at 3:45am for work the next day, so he couldn't hang out super late. It seems that flew out the window at about 10:30pm after his 3rd beer. He asked if I wanted to come hang at his house. I toyed and struggled with what to do, knowing that if I did go I'd have sex with him (naturally) and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that on the pre-date. Then I remembered waiting until date #3 with Gavin and saw how that all backfired, so I decided wtf. I went and sure enough it was on. His house is pretty cool. It's a studio on a huge piece of land. You can hear the ocean and see the mountains. It's got a very cool vibe to it. I love it when a man can put together a nice place. So, the sex was good...I came a lot (which is the norm for me), but he's not huge or anything...just kind of average. I came home in the middle of the night so that Chloe wouldn't know I'd been out and because he snores. He's texting me now to see if I want to hang out at the beach this afternoon.
Here's the thing...I kind of like him. I know that nothing long term will come of it though because I don't have that OMG he's rocking my world kind of feeling about him. The other downside is this...he's got a son. Miranda finds it hysterical how I feel about kids, you know especially since I have one and all. I'm really not a fan. His son is 6 years old, like Chloe but lives primarily with his Mom. This is preferrable to him having full custody, but again I'm not really into other people's kids. I don't want to be a stepmother one day.
In other man news, no word lately from Gavin...which is a good thing. I'm laying low with that one. Hot neighbor sex is fun, but dangerous and quite frankly I just kind of think he's an ass...a hot, handsome, well hung ass...but an ass all the same. The Owen drought has begun though, which leaves me weak and vulnerable to stupid decision making. He leaves Friday for weeks and then I have house guests most of the summer, which is fine because his wife is off all summer anyway. I'm guessing we won't see each other much at all again til August...sad about that one. Then there is Mr. Chile...apparently he didn't feel rejected Saturday night as I was telling him to get out. He's been emailing me since then and has invited me out several times. I've made excuses about why I can't go...mostly because of when he's asking and Chloe. I'm sure he'll tire of that soon. Russell made an interesting observation about him the other day. First, he revealed that he'd watched out the window when he picked me up last week and thought that he seemed like a really nice guy since he got out and opened the car door for me. (Yes, I find it weird he was watching out the window!) Then he pointed out that he brings good alcohol and I should keep him around for that factor...lol, my gay husband is giving me dating advice...priceless.


  1. Jules has a crush, Jules has a crush.... Sometimes the "I like him but I'm not insane" feelings are good ya know?

    Don't worry about my intense posts, I fully intend to go back to my crazy boy filled posts ASAP.

    I wish more guys made an effort with their places! Looking like you live in a man cave is so unattractive!

  2. When I read that part about your gay husband giving you dating advice I shot juice through my nose. Ouch! There should be a laughter warning label on this blog! LOL

  3. I don't know why, but I didn't realize you and Russell had the kind of relationship where you could openly discuss your dates. Is that a weird thing or a good thing?

  4. It's both wierd and good...we don't/haven't before...part of the evolution.


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