A Sense of Humor Will Save You Every Time...

So after my maudlin post, I had to share that some sick, twisted and funny things happened that did lighten my mood.

#1 – After church on my way to pick up Ladybug from her classroom, who was I walking behind…. none other than Sawyer’s wife and stepdaughter.  Now normally I steer as clear of her as possible. Not because I feel guilty but more because even though I like her and think we could be friends, I can’t do that to her. If I built a relationship with her and then she busted us, it would be 10 times worse for her. So I try to keep my distance.  But in light of Sawyer’s general douchiness this week, as soon as I saw we were in eyesight of him, I started talking to her.  We gave each other a hug because it’s been a while since we saw each other and started chatting.  We were legitimately talking about day camp for the summer and what we were doing with the kids.  She and I stood talking for several minutes before he was forced to join us.  It always freaks him out when she and I talk! LOL!  So we chatted for a few and when she mentioned that the kids missed hanging out with my kids (they’re on opposite visitation schedules with the respective exs), I said, “Well yall should call me next weekend I have the kids and come over to swim. We could hang out, grill, have some fun.”  Sawyer’s eyes were bugging out of his head at this point and I had to hold in my laughter.  He quickly ushered her out of church.

#2 – At softball practice yesterday afternoon, who should appear…. Sawyer and his family.  Interesting that I told them I had practice that afternoon and they should randomly appear to play at the park.  Apparently he and the wife were having a fight when they first got there and he jumped out of the car and walked over to where I was standing with my team.  We talked for a few minutes and I accused him of stalking me by showing up at my practice.  It’s a mighty big coincidence for him to show up at the very park I have practice at instead of the much nicer park that is closer to his house.  Whatever!  But it was quite funny.

#3 – Saving the best for last – Last night Ladybug was talking to Duckie on the phone when she told me, “Daddy takes medicine so he won’t cry all the time.”  Now I’m not laughing at the fact he’s taking some sort of medicine, presumably an anti-depressant.  Whatever helps him cope I’m all in favor of.  However I am still laughing at what I imagine his face looked like when she told me that.  I’m sure he was none to pleased for me to know.

Sometimes I think God has a really warped, twisted sense of humor – and I like it!



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