Oh Gwyn where have you been?

Hi Everyone, it's me Gwyn the cold-hearted ice queen you've all come to know and love. I realized today that I haven't posted in a LONG LONG time and I think it's time to end the drought. There are many reasons for my lack of posting including craziness at work...my own personal episode of mystery diagnosis that I've been trapped in for months...lack of crazy boy activity....etc.

The quick and dirty update is that I'm still seeing Romeo and he is still not my boyfriend - although I will admint I like to call him that around Miranda to get her good and riled up. We had a crazy night on Halloween that involved me losing my phone, screaming at him in in front of his co-workers about dancing with some girl all while dressed in a sexy referee costume (dang I should've used my whistle!), giving his friends the silent treatment the entire ride home, getting into a screaming argument with my bff in front of him which finally ended when he told me to take her a blunt and go make up...I think that's about everything from that night. He took my bad behavior all in stride, I was impressed because I threw quite the only child it's all about me fit and behaved pretty crazily. Losing my phone literally turned me into a maniac.

We've been pretty chill since then minus a small argument that started because I felt some distance from him (shocking considering my angelic behavior) and when I tried to get to the bottom of it (aka nagged him about it) he got really defensive and angry and it spiraled from there. To his credit, after that fight he has made a noticeable effort to work on the things that I mentioned as bothering me (not inviting me to do things in advance, not wanting to hang out with me as much, not making an effort) event though he said he didn't see what I was talking about at all.

We've seen each other a couple times this week so far and I'm off work the rest of the week so I'm guessing we'll see plenty of each other over the holidays. In usual Gwyn fashion, I'm not completely sure where my feelings stand at this point. I do like hanging out with him...the sex is great...I miss him occassionally when I haven't seen him in awhile...but I'm by no means head over heels. But since I'm never really head over heels I'm not taking that as a bad sign.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about this little nugget. I've been reading The Secret again and one of the phrases I've been putting out into the universe is "He's going to fall in love with me" (referring to Romeo). Miranda nearly died when I told her this yesterday and suggested I may need to be more specific in my phrase because the IT guy at work is clearly in love with me so maybe the universe wasn't clear on the whole "who" piece of my secret phrase. She also suggested I add "...and I am going to fall in love with him" to which I scoffed and totally refused. Gwyn in love? Ha.



  1. In Gwyn's stead I'm saying "Gwyn will fall in love." That's what friends are for!


  2. That's too funny...is it one of those 'if you say it enough, it will happen' kind of books?
    PS Congrats on the not-bf...he sounds like a great guy.

  3. Jules you have to read The Secret - it's short and pretty easy to skim if you're not in to everything it's saying. I think it's right up your alley...


  4. I've heard some things about it, but no I haven't read it...maybe I'll pick it up over winter break.


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