TMI Tuesday - You think you know...

What is your bra size? What is your favorite place to get lingerie?
36C. I'm a Victoria's Secret girl all the way. - Gwyn
36 B.  My momma always said her boobs doubled in size after having kids and I held great hope for that to happen to me.  Alas it did not. - Miranda
34C and I shop wherever for lingerie (Macy's, Target...doesn't matter and options are limited here). - Jules

If asked to, would you perform a striptease for your special someone in the presence of others?
No. In private, sure. If I'm stripping in front of people then I better be getting paid for it. -Gwyn
No way.  I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face in private much less being able to do it with any degree of seriousness in public. I've done a half hearted attempt and it went fine though I think with the right recreational substance I might be able to get the job done. - Miranda
I'm actually going to go with a no on that one...I'm not into the whole striptease thing period. I walk in the door let's just take my clothes off and  go. - Jules

What is the craziest pick up line that you have ever heard?
"I make beautiful babies" - this was from a guy I randomly met and hooked up with (no sex) at a house party in high school. That night I also almost got into a fist fight with a GUY over a stolen roll of toilet paper. Even at 16 I was keeping it classy lol. -Gwyn
"I want to date your bangs" - this from what was clearly a special guy. - Miranda
I've worked in bars and nightclubs, so I've heard it all but oddly enough right at this moment I can't think of one. LOL - Jules

Have you ever lied to your partner to avoid an intimate moment?
Yes - I've said I have a headache...lied about being on my period....said I was too tired....said I didn't have any protection...said I was a virgin (hahahahaha)...said I don't sleep with people I'm not in an intimate relationship with (hahahahaha) name it I've said it. -Gwyn
I used to lie to Duckie all the time. I think he thought I had my period three weeks out of every month. Finally I realized that if I just became a night owl I'd never be in bed at the same time as him. - Miranda
I have NEVER lied to get out of sex with a partner. I have lied in an effort to not hurt someone's feelings that I just had absolutely no intention of fucking in the first place. - Jules

What is the most annoying habit that a boyfriend/spouse has ever had?
The Ex used to use literally an entire container of baby powder every time he got out of the shower. He would stand on my bathmat and just shake it all over himself making no effort to clean it up or prevent it from coating the entire bathroom. At any given time, there would be about a half-inch of powder on my bathroom floor. Eventually I wised up and kicked him out of my bathroom into his own for which he was entirely responsible for cleaning. Problem solved. -Gwyn
Farting with great pleasure in the car, for real - Miranda
Hmmm, I have several for this one. Men annoy me, but I've acclimated to them over the years. Russell used to clip his toenails and then throw them random places like behind the couch and the nightstand. I moved the furniture to clean one day and freaked the fuck out ya'll. It was hilarious much later...not at the time. Gavin farts in front of me despite my girly protest. I just DO NOT care for that at all. It's gross. - Jules

Name three physical features that you are often complimented for.
Butt, legs, eyebrows. -Gwyn
Feet, smile, skin - Miranda
Eyes, Hair, and also love other parts, but we'll leave it at this. - Jules


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