Dude, Quit Pissing Me Off

Gavin spent a good portion of the afternoon on my shit list. We're cool now, but I almost threw him out. He called me at work today to give me his afternoon agenda and then he called again when I was on the way home from work talking about partying tonight, so the point is I knew he was alone. Imagine my surprise as I'm pulling down my fucking road and I see the gf on my porch. I called him and spit the words "Tell me she is NOT at my fucking house..." (obviously I knew the answer) and he replied that she had stopped by to pick up his truck since hers broke down. I said "Get her the fuck out NOW" and promptly hung up on him. I don't hang up on people because I think it's very poor manners, rude, and childish but holy hell I was pissed. He called me back not 2 minutes later and I let it go to VM. He called right back and I accidentally answered it so I went ahead and let him talk. He apologized profusely, said he was just lending her his truck to go pick up her kid (which I explained was NOT my fucking problem in life and that our paths had better not cross) and that he thought I was going to get Chloe before I came home. I explained to him it's my goddamn house and I'll come home whenever I feel like it and she best not be in it when I arrive here. He was very apologetic and when I arrived home about 10 minutes later there was a glass of wine on the table waiting for me.  He said it was a peace offering and he was just trying to make everyone happy. Then he told me she's moving to the mainland by Thanksgiving. I've heard this about 50,000 times so I laughed and told him that bitch isn't moving anywhere. We currently have a bet. If by Christmas she's still here, I get dinner. Let me assure you guys...I'm getting dinner. If she moves, he gets dinner.
Ok, so just as I was getting over that pissed state I realized that he still hasn't gone to pick up my computer that he broke and is paying to repair and the shop was closing in like 20 minutes. So I loaned him my car to go get it because she has his truck. To his credit, the shop closed at 2pm today and I'll have to go get it in the morning BUT he did come home with pizza, wine, and money for me to pay for it...so I'm back to not being pissed. The back story to this is that I've loaned him some money lately (mostly in the form of bail) and I was pissed off feeling like he was taking advantage of my good nature by not getting it yesterday when he said he would the first time. He's remedied that part now.
Here's where I really flipped though and almost threw him out. We have very strict rules here about recreational substance use and especially strict when Chloe is home...strict in that if she's awake we don't do it...period. On his pizza run, he also picked up some party favors for us tonight and started early once he got home and ya'll he got to see my temper flare up again today. I literally ripped that man a new asshole and told him if he couldn't respect the 2 motherfucking rules here that he could go the fuck on.  (When I'm mad, I'll call you everything but a child of god and then I'm over it.) He quickly realized I wasn't playing and got it together. I reminded him that I'm NOT like the other women in his life and he can't just walk all over me and do wtf ever he wants to do when he wants to do it. I'm very morally flexible, but not with this. I'm pretty much over his not so recreational use as well, but that's another issue because I had agreed to tonight. In the end, Chloe left about 30 minutes later to go to a sleepover. We start playing around and about an hour into it Russell texts me that he got out of work early...FUCK. It ended up he went out with a friend, but talk about buzzkill.  Gavin did some more though and I watched a movie. Once he came back down, we had really great sex and he apologized again for his shit today. He actually sincerely apologized, not his normal apology that he then qualifies and tries to justify why he really should be right.
OMG I left out the weirdest part of the day, but this didn't piss me off...it was just bizarre. Russell sends me a text this morning that Gavin's gf is trying to set him up with these gay guys she knows. I almost died laughing. She even went so far as to show him pictures. Apparently, one of them was cute and one of them had tats over half of his face (not Russell's thing) but in the end he said he didn't want to be set up with anyone that hangs out with the gf b/c we both agree she's ick.
Night over...not pissed at him anymore...amazing how that's almost always the end result after a bunch of orgasms, but I'm tired of having to keep drawing the lines for him. Two rules people...2 rules. Otherwise, I'm super easy going.
PS Owen texted me tonight and I confessed to having an affair with a married guy to Gavin. I'm not sure I should have because I really don't want him to ask questions, but I don't like keeping things secret and it was time. Now oddly enough, I'm not sure when I'll see Owen again so maybe that's why I felt ok fessing up. His text told me that his new schedule has him off on days I'm not and that his wife is around those days as well. We may be able to squeeze in a lunch every now and again, but those are rare. I suppose that even as awesome as he is, maybe it's time to say this one has run its course. Please note that I will make myself available anytime I can to see him, but I'm pretty sure it will be few and far between.


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