The Week Jules Went Insane (Again)

And then this happened…

Gavin calls me this morning asking me to call him as soon as I could. I returned his call and he said “I’ve got to move out of my place, like now. I thought about going by and talking to Russell to see if he would let me move in. What do you think?”.  I was in shock after the day that was yesterday, but I told him to try.  I told him Russell was asking to meet him anyway, so if nothing else that would be out of the way. You never know with Russell and so I hung up with Gavin and sat on it for a second and then texted Russell to give him a heads up that Gavin was coming by to ask if he could move into the 4th bedroom (aka the closet). I told him that it was entirely between the two of them, but if he agreed it would be nice to have the extra money. Well Gavin must have called me from my driveway, because a few minutes later Russell sends me a text saying “I just met Gavin. He came over to ask if he could live in the closet.” Then he read my text and we discussed it all. I would have killed to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation.

In the end, Russell agreed very easily and I could literally have picked my jaw up off the floor at this point since less than 24 hours ago he had a shit fit about Chloe and I going to the movies with Gavin. Russell’s only real stipulation is that he sleeps in his own room, which I’m in total agreement with due to Chloe.  Now my suspicion is Russell is doing this to shut me up about Bob  being there all the time and this is his way of giving to get.
I called Gavin and told him Russell said ok and that I would call him after work to discuss the logistics…and then I quit breathing.


  1. This is some crazy turn of events! You're going to be living in a Mexican soap opera with your current (ex) husband and FWB who wants to be you boyfriend under one roof while your potentially literally crazy boyfriend lives across he island.


  2. What in the hell?! That's all I got. LOL


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