Part Two of Weekend Update with Jules

As I said in the last post, it was a 3 day weekend! So, I woke up yesterday incredibly hungover from my big wine night with Gavin on Sunday. I'd promised Chloe and some other kids that I would take them to the zoo and Chuck E. Cheese. Please someone tell me WHY I thought drinking a gallon of wine the night before was a good plan...because it was NOT. I managed to get some water, Diet Dr. Pepper, and McDonald's into my body so that I started to feel slightly human again and headed off to drop Russell to the airport and the kids to this excursion. Gavin called and asked if he could take them all to the beach when I got back. I said I'd call him.
When I finished playing in the bottom lairs of hell, I called him from my couch wiped out. He said he had stuff for dinner if I hadn't started anything yet and wanted to come over and prep that before he took the kids. Why, yes...yes you can. He came over and prepped our dinner, took my kid to the beach with the others, and then came back and cooked for us. He even went so far as to plate my food...I could get used to that.
I keep wanting to ask for clarification on why he asked about what we are, but I decided that I'm not for now. Since I'm also not ready to answer that question, it really isn't fair to ask of me either. He came in yesterday with dinner complaining about how his gf willingly and knowingly moved into a place where she knows he's not welcomed and how that's relationship sabotage (direct quote btw). I'm glad he's finally seeing this, but haven't people (myself included) been saying this for a while...duh. He's HOT, but a little slow sometimes.
Anyway, we had dinner which was fantastic...I put Chloe to bed...we hung out for a while...finally had sex...and he slept on my couch until sometime this morning when he got up to go home. I was pretty sure he was going to try to sleep in my bed since Russell is gone, but he knows that his moving in was contingent on the rule that he sleeps in his own bed and I think he's back to considering moving in again.
In Clark news, he seems to be moving back toward "normal". I mean that with regards to his mood. ;) He's been texting me the last few days just to say "Hi" and chat some. He'd stopped that after I changed my number, but it's nice that he's doing it again.


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