Porn Fest

Things continue to roll along smoothly at the homestead. This move has actually gone really well thus far. Gavin cooks amazing meals for us. He said the other day he and Russell had a nice conversation about him being here and Russell told him he appreciates not only the way he treats me, but Chloe and himself as well. I’m having fun with him here too. He’s a nurturer and it’s nice having someone willing to do things for me again. For example, he does a lot of little things around the house to help me like changing out the laundry, hanging things, moving things around, carrying my groceries in without being asked. Russell will do those, but it’s always after I’ve asked…very little initiative.

Tuesday night was like a full on porn fest. We went at it for a good long while over the course of the evening. Russell has been working insane hours since Saturday, so we’ve had a lot of free time together. The more time I’m spending with Gavin, the more I’m seeing his freaky side. Clark’s was right there on the surface, but Gavin’s is eeking out. Tuesday in the midst of the things, he asked if he could try to fist me. He said he’d never done it before, but wanted to try it. I said yes, since I’ve let Clark try it before and while it’s not necessarily what I would call the most comfortable thing, it’s really intense and lends itself to some strong reactions. He got most of the way in and then abruptly stopped saying he didn’t want to stretch it out, because he likes other things being inside of it too much and the way I feel.

Gavin’s laying low and not leaving the house much until his court stuff is resolved, so I suspect this crazy amount of together time will reduce as soon as he feels free to drive around again. Sometimes I need a break from him too – like Tuesday morning. I can only hear him complain so much about the gf and his current life situation. He says he has to stay on her good side until after the court stuff resolves because she was a witness, but then again this is the same woman that still has a restraining order on him so I personally don’t trust her, but then again she’s not testifying on my behalf. (Have I mentioned that I can objectively say she sucks as a human being?)

He commented that I’ve been staying home a lot lately, meaning that I’ve not been spending the night out like I had been. Since I’m over Clark, this is true…but I have a date this week. I hope it goes smoothly with him, because he’s jealous when I’m out yet he’s not willing to break up with the gf and try to officially date me either and while intellectually he knows this, I think it’s hard emotionally for him. What I’ve found interesting with him being here is how often he comments on how drama free my life is (isn’t that something??) in comparison to the gf’s life.

Some days I’d give about anything for a crystal ball.



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