Day 1: Harboring a Felon

This morning started out like any other Saturday morning...I woke up to coffee made (ha...yeah right). Ok, in this crazy alternate universe I now live in that actually did happen, and I didn't have to make it. Gavin is proving to be an excellent roommate. From this point on though, it kind of went downhill until later in the evening. He tried to go get the rest of his belongings and could not. This ended up being a good thing because on such short notice he couldn't find any help and needed the gf's truck. He asked if she could come over and I agreed to this one emergency situation...awkward! Fortunately, it didn't pan out and I get to go another day without crossing paths with her.

We decided to go grocery shopping a few hours later and on the way, he wanted to stop at the police station to see if he could do anything to counteract his current crazy landlord situation.  As it turns out, there's a pending felony charge out on him. As he's sitting down to start writing out a statement about his landlord harassing him, the police start acting all weird. I asked him if he had any old charges lingering and he said he didn't...yet something didn't seem quite right. Sure enough, the police emerge and kind of surround him. They start telling him that he's going to be arrested as soon as the landlord identifies him because the guy filed (totally bogus) terrorist threatening charges when he did the TRO and the case is sitting on a detective's desk or they would pick him up now. It was a ridiculous situation and finally Gavin started getting agitated and I intervened. I asked the officer  if he was free to leave and once he said yes, I quickly herded Gavin out to the car in an effort to avoid further problems.

So not only in addition to the TRO his stupid, whore gf has on him (which she has not fully agreed to drop today in spite of his almost begging her to do so and on top of the other things he's facing) and the other pending assault charges, now he's got this on his plate. Man, oh man can I pick them or what?? We were discussing our situation today and he made some offhand joking remark about hoping I don't fall in love with him. I totally snorted and told him not to worry.  LOL, now I fully plan to keep fucking him...but fall in love, no thanks. We fooled around some on the couch tonight (this being after he steamed me crab legs for dinner and made fettuccine alfredo from scratch).  I do love the food...I'm just in lust (hot, hot lust) with the felon chef.


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