Say What??

Today has been one of those days. It's the day before a move day and you would think I'd be excellent at moving by now, but I'm not. I procrastinate until the bitter end and then I'm left with a shitload of work to do...but I do NOT like this pointed out. I would also like to point out here in the story that I am ALMOST always the one that does ALL of the packing up in this crumbling marriage...almost always. Russell and I have moved 7 times in our 10 years of marriage...we've had movers once.
Ok, so he was supposed to get off today at 11:30am. I'm not sure what time he actually left, but he did pick Chloe up from school at the appropriate time. I got home an hour and a half later. I came home expecting to find a lot of stuff in boxes since he was considering going camping tonight with Chloe and a friend of his. Yep, you read it right...he was planning to go camping the night before our move...seriously. I don't make this shit up people, I don't need to...he writes it for me. His friend that was going camping with them bailed at the last minute because of work and car trouble. So here I am, home from work, ready to pack, and he announces that he's going to a town 45 minutes away to get this friend, bring him up here for dinner, and then take him back after dinner. I was tired and busy so I just sort of mumbled "ok, whatever". Then he left and I started looking around thinking about ALL of the shit that I was going to have to do tonight (ie I would be up until 4am) and he was going to spend almost 4 hours toting his buddy back and forth...I don't fucking think so. I called him and said "We need to revist this...blah, blah." His response "Fine...I'll call him." click goes the phone. He came home all pissed and when I asked if he was going to be pissed all night about this, he said "I am for a while. This is all your fault anyway. You always bring this on yourself by waiting until the last minute." Say what, mother fucker?? Oh, it was ON. Hello, 'Mr. I've Spent Every Night At The New House' leaving you as a single parent almost all week, packing only my own shit, and then complaining that I have to help pack the household stuff and my daughter's room too?? I don't think so. He spent the next 5 hours packing right along side me...grumbling most of the way. Because I become insanely manic when we move, I'm sure tomorrow will result in some good tales too. Here's hoping it goes smoothly, but I have my doubts based on history and my current inability to keep my mouth shut when I think he's being an asshole. I think people are laying odds on how long this arrangement works (to include my mother). I think it's going to have to work for quite a while because neither one of us can afford any other arrangement. Damien suggested I go get a medical marijuana card.


  1. Moving is stressful enough without the drama of a dissolving marriage on top of it. Big hugs and lots of patience! Just focus on one day at a time.

  2. Nah, you can't grown enough with a medical marijuana card to make enough money to change the situation. You may, however, find that you feel a lot better about the move though. Or maybe you'll just get more manic... your mileage may vary...

  3. LOL, no he suggested the card for my own personal use - coping mechanism.


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