Birthday Sex and A Dose of Reality

Ooooh, I got to see Owen today. I swear he's been on it lately. I didn't think he could get any better because as you guys are well aware, he is quite honestly the BEST sex I've ever had and I'm not working with a small sample here either. The last two weeks with him have been some of the best yet though. It's good was birthday sex. I turn 34 on Thursday (sigh). I may get to see him Thursday for lunch too, but it depends on a lot of perfectly choreographed timed events that may or may not come together on both our parts. The other good timing part is that this move is really making it all hit home for me. I'm in a funk.
Russell has been spending the night at the new house since Sunday. I love having my bed back to myself, except I've developed that stupid co-dependent sleep thing married people get. I have always loved sleeping alone in my bed. I rarely allowed men to sleep over before I got married because of this fact. Now, I'm finding it hard to sleep without him in the bed. Funny this, because I've spent so many years wishing he wasn't in that spot. Again, I'm not second guessing it...just hard to shift.
The other reality check I got was last night. Russell announced he wanted to take Chloe to the new house for a dry run of the new school routine. I found this incredibly stupid since it's going to take sooo long to get to and from the new house to her current school, but whatever. It got him out of the house this AM so that Owen could come over ASAP. Anyway when he was leaving with her last totally hit home that one day that will be my life. Now mind you, I will be the PRIMARY custodial parent and chances are good if he gets promoted he won't even live here in the same state with us...but wow it smacked of reality. My answer to it...I had a beer and watched Reality Bites.


  1. I'm 1 month in and the reality still smacks me in the face from time to time. Today is our "switch" day and as I dropped the kids off at school, the reality that I won't see them again until Sunday. And yes, I've got dates booked for every night but still. It's weird and uncomfortable and doesn't feel natural.

  2. I know...she's MY baby. I've already established that she's with me on ALL major holidays and birthdays. I told him that on Jan. 26th out on the beach right after I told him I wanted a divorce. Now, I'm not going to lie that a small break from time to time seems pleasant b/c she does wear me out...but she's living with her mama...period.


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