Getting Lucky In More Ways Than One - I Hope!

So I have to eat my words a little from Miranda’s Manifesto Part 2 based on my behavior Friday night. Coach is a guy I’ve known for a couple of months. He and I met a little while back on a crazy night out with SoCo and his friends. That night he seemed to find everything I said and did quite funny. At the end of that night, Coach had definitely made some overtures that he liked me but he was also supposed to be moving out of state a few days later so I didn’t think much about it. I liked him but I figured it wasn’t worth the time/effort if he was moving.

We texted some over the next few days and for whatever reason he chose not to move and we’ve kept up a random text correspondence since then. FYI – Coach and SoCo have some of the same friends but they are not “friends” per se. About a month ago I asked Coach if he’d help coach my softball team in the spring (he was a big time ball player back in the day) and it flared up the texting a little between us. A couple of times he’s said he wanted to hang out but our schedules just haven’t aligned. Until Friday that is…

Let me tell you a little about Coach. He’s 42, well over 6 feet tall, very big athletic build, divorced (with a decent relationship with his ex), has two boys he has 50% of the time, works in the IT field, has a great sense of humor, college degree, big house, etc. Though I didn’t realize it until later in the night, he meets my 85% threshold!

So Friday night I went out with some of my girls to our favorite bar and I let Coach know we were going to be there. He said he was on his way and not 30 minutes later he showed up. We started hanging out, just talking and joking around. Shots were bought and drank. Dancing ensued. Then we decided to play a few games of pool.

To this point we’d done nothing but flirt and as things are want to do as the night wears on, the flirting intensified and I started breaking out my patented pool playing flirting moves. You know such original moves as trying to distract him while he was aiming by strategically bending over of leaning up against him. HA! We were cracking up and laughing a lot and generally having a raucous good time.

It was getting towards the end of the night and I’d been having a blast with him but I couldn’t really tell what he wanted to have happen. I mean I was confident he liked me but I just couldn’t guess what his approach would be. So at some point I’m sitting on the edge of the pool table and he sidles up in front of me and I look up, and bam he kisses me. And it was a really good kiss. Embarrassingly, we are kissing for what I’m guessing is more than a few minutes when one of the bartenders tells me I can’t sit on the pool table. So I hopped down and about that time my girls come over my way and say it’s time to go.

Coach is pretty responsible so he had rode with a friend to the bar and my friends offered to take him home – and my home I meant back to my place. At this point I’m thinking I’m going to be good. I mean Miranda has self control right? So we all cram into my friend’s tiny car and everyone gets dropped off at their various points including me and Coach at my place.

We are just chilling on the couch talking, laughing more, listening to music and wellllllll, damnit Miranda just has no self control! We start kissing more and more and one thing leads to another and there ends up being a whole lot of hot wild sex going on. Yes, Miranda broke one of the basic principles of dating. I know damnit!

So anyway, the next morning we wake up and we’re lying in bed and he’s being super sweet and attentive. We start talking a little bit and laughing and he keeps rubbing my back and playing with my hair. He kissed my forehead several times and eventually we got up so I could take him to his car. The whole ride to his car we just kept talking and laughing. Things were incredibly comfortable and easy. When we got to his car, Coach leaned over and kissed my cheek and said he’d talk to me later.

I didn’t really know where to go with things and despite my optimism I take these situations with a healthy dose of skepticism. Well not an hour later I get a text from him saying he was glad we had finally spent some time together and that he found me to be quite delightful. A little texting went on back and forth and he asked me out on an official date.

Since then he’s played by the rules and we’ve texted some and talked on the phone a couple times. Some clever Miranda style internet stalking helped me solidify that he meets my 85% threshold so I’m proceeding with some optimistic caution. He seems like a good guy who’s got all his ducks in a row so even though I violated a basic dating principle by sleeping with him maybe it won’t throw everything off balance.

Yesterday Coach told me he wanted to ask me out for quite a while now. (Cue the cheesy music and a collective group “awwwwww.”) It would be ever so nice to date an established, nice guy for a change. Being that I only attract gimps I still need to identify his inner gimp but here’s hoping it’s a minor gimpness.

What can I say? I’m reveling in my inner optimist but I’m still not holding my breath.



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