Holidays Over

This was a strange Christmas. Much like my dear friend, Miranda' was completely different than last year. Last year, I was so over being married. I was sad and miserable being away from my family and spending the day with someone I knew I didn't want to be with any longer...yet I actually chose to spend yesterday with him and it was really nice. Obviously, I'm talking about Russell. He was fairly melancholy yesterday during the morning and finally told me that he doesn't know how many more Christmas mornings he'll get to see Chloe wake up and do Santa. I told him as many as he wants...that he's always welcome on Christmas morning. He said "What if you marry someone that doesn't like me?". I said, "Can you honestly see me marrying anyone that would tell me that you couldn't be around Chloe on Christmas??". C'mon now...he seemed to feel better after that though I'm sure it's one of those things he'll have to see as time goes on. I think he's been struggling lately with Gavin's presence in Chloe's life as well. He's seemingly a little jealous of Gavin doing things with Chloe, but admits he doesn't have the time or energy. I pointed out that Gavin does because he doesn't work a steady job...this seemed to make him feel somewhat better too.

We had a low-key, high-alcohol day yesterday. Our neighbor came over to eat with us, drink with us, and eventually get high with us. I did NOT sleep with him. Owen and Penn both texted me yesterday sweet Merry Christmas messages.  I talked briefly with Gavin and then he came over this morning and gave me a Christmas present - it. We had coffee, he went home for a while, and then he came back over to spend the afternoon watching this show we like and drinking some beers. He told me the gf leaves tomorrow for the mainland on a one way ticket. I'll seriously believe it when I see it, but maybe. I'm sure she'll be back.

I'm officially ready for January...I'm tired of the holidays this year. It's been a fun month, but I'm over it. I've eaten too much. My liver needs a break and I'm spent out.

PS I can't believe I forgot to add this in...Gavin came over Xmas Eve to bring Chloe's gift and when he did he also brought her a book that his gf wrote (a kid's book about fairies). I almost died I laughed so hard internally. I've yet to give it to her or read it...maybe I should do that now.


  1. "He was fairly melancholy yesterday during the morning and finally told me that he doesn't know how many more Christmas mornings he'll get to see Chloe wake up and do Santa. I told him as many as he wants...that he's always welcome on Christmas morning. He said "What if you marry someone that doesn't like me?". I said, "Can you honestly see me marrying anyone that would tell me that you couldn't be around Chloe on Christmas??"."

    Shit, as a dad that really choked me up. I know it doesn't feel like it, what with the Jerry Springer lows you two had earlier this year, but this really is one of the better divorce stories I've ever heard.

  2. Thanks, Diner. We're trying really hard. Hell, I think we're trying harder to make this work than either of us tried during out marriage!
    PS Welcome back - missed your comments!

  3. HA! Jules I've felt the same way with Duckie. I think we've (or at least I've) tried harder to make things work with the divorce than I did with the marriage in a long long time.



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