Marketing Plug

Check us out on this blog. This guy writes some good shit. I swear I just read one of entries and I'm going to go take a moment to myself now. ;) I haven't read his whole blog, so I don't know his whole story. Anyway, here's one he wrote about us.
By the way, you can also find us on FB under Infidelity Chronicles! It's pretty much updated by Miranda from time to time plugging new entries. If we had more "friends" on there, we might post more stuff.
Not much going on around here today...quiet Thursday thus far. I've been texting a lot with a married guy I used to see from NC (not Adam). Adam seems to have fallen off the Earth. I can't remember if I named this guy or not, but I like him a lot. I can't figure out why he keeps in touch though. I only go home to NC about once a year...hardly seems worth the effort on his part...other than I'm awesome, of course.
I've also been texting a lot with the married military guy here that I had a one night stand with last year. He's in Asia right now for the month but swears we're going to hook up again when he gets back...time will tell. He hasn't come through again since that one night, so I'll believe it when his dick is inside me.
I had some other witty insights to share last night, but I've been having a lot of computer issues lately and I can't recall them this morning. I guess these are some of the side effects our parents warned us about.


  1. LOL
    you take a lot of convincing.

    "so I'll believe it when his dick is inside me."

    I had to tell you the word verification was "eater" just like that. Very appropriate for me.

  2. That's too funny...yes, I'll believe it when he's inside me. We had a one night stand well over a year ago and I haven't seen him since.

  3. Am just catching up with my reading. Thank you for the shout out...I am glad you enjoy reading about my fun times with my girls....I enjoy having them and writing about them....ignore the drama in between and it's a lot of fun.

    I had to change my blog page, it got compromised by the wife opening my laptop, here is the new link:


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