I've Gone All Wonky

Apparently, yesterday my decision maker was all wonky. Yesterday, Twin and I were talking via email and he mentioned that he was traveling for work the next few days and would be going right through Greensboro on his way. He asked if he could stop by to say hello. For some random reason I said ok.

Now work is my inner sanctum. It’s my domain. The place that is just mine, mine, mine. As soon as I agreed, I was already regretting it. Boys have no place in workplace! Mixing your personal and private lives is never a good idea. But it was too late to take it back.

So then there was texting and emails yesterday where we had legit good conversation mixed in with totally random questions like, “What’s your favorite color?” and “What’s your favorite season?” At one point last night, Twin told me he’d been checking out my pictures on Facebook and couldn’t wait to get his hands on me. At another time he told me he “hasn’t felt this way in a long time and it was a little scary.” Ummmmmm, yeah. Twin provided me with great amusement yesterday.

I was also talking to boomerang boy of the year FJB yesterday afternoon. A little background for you newer readers who don’t want to search the archives, FJB (Fake Jewish Boy – named for his very Jewish sounding name and looking face and yet he’s not Jewish) is a guy I dated briefly back in April/May. We went out a few times and I had a serious crush on him. He’s a mechanical engineer, wickedly sarcastic and funny, super smart, and very good looking in my opinion. He’s also tall which always scores extra points with me. Our “relationship” ended rather abruptly after he misunderstood a text message I sent him and I mentioned that I had a blog with two other girls. He claimed it was all trust issues. In the interim, we’ve stayed Facebook friends and lightly kept in touch through that. A couple weeks ago he started IMing me and we have talked more days than not.

So yesterday, I worked late being a dutiful employee and FJB popped up via IM. And we were talking. About a week ago, he mentioned a promise I made when we were dating to cook him dinner and I laughed it off. Well yesterday he asked when I was going to cook him dinner and I started joking about it and next thing I knew I had agreed to cook him dinner next Wednesday night at my place. WTF? How did that happen? I totally got tricked LOL. Anyways, it should be interesting to see what happens next Wednesday.

Last proof of my lack of judgment, I was texting with College Crush last night, and he busts out with “I’ve been thinking we should go somewhere really cool for new years.” So much for him understanding the “break up” email. I told Gwyn I can just see myself going with him somewhere like Vegas, getting plastered and waking up with him as Mr. Miranda. That would be a clusterfuck for sure. The lack of judgment played in to the fact that I didn’t squash the idea right then and there; I just said hmmmm and remained noncommittal. I bet he’s on Expedia as I type this. Though I think he sort of got the break up email and the fact that this is all we can ever be, it’s a hard relationship to navigate and keep “friends” only.

Incidentally, Twin’s visit to my workplace today went just fine. But it felt weird to have a boy in my office! I’ll admit I have a fantasy of getting it on in my office but I never would here because 1 – our doors don’t have locks and 2 – the walls here are so freaking thin. That would just be disgusting!

Twin came by, bringing doughnuts for me to share with the girls here, and we chatted for about 45 minutes. I walked him out to his car and tried to sort of hide behind it and gave him our first real kiss. I scooted back in as soon as I could and about two hours later my boss said he saw me walking in the parking lot with a guy and asked if that was the new boyfriend. I quickly set him straight but I sure hope he didn’t actually see me kissing out in the parking lot!

Clearly, my judgment is wonky and I need to work on thinking more like Gwyn!

Just for fun, here’s a pic of my super hot new shoes I’m wearing today. With 4.5 inch heels they put me right under 6 feet. Duckie would so hate these shoes!



  1. super cute shoes! You're so lucky I wear shoes that tall nearly every day and they never get me even near 6 feet. I wore 5 inch heels on my wedding day and I still look like a midget next to by husband. LOL

  2. Nice shoes....nice feet....nice legs....Just under 6 feet....good, I'm still taller than you flat footed in bare feet.

    Nice to take a walk on the wild side every now and then...dirty little parking lot kisser you!

  3. Ha! Twin is about as undirty as you can get. Me and Gwyn keep joking that I could blow his mind if I let it all hang out. He's super sweet, though I think he's picking out names for our future children and grandchildren lol. Thanks for the compliment on the shoes/feet/legs!

  4. Hmmmm... it seems to me the solution for thin walls and a lack of locks is to be a dutiful employee who works late. Because then it won't be weird when you're the only person in the office and you let someone from Team Miranda in... :-P


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