It's Cheaper Than Therapy

I probably won't keep blogging quite this often once the dust settles some, but OMG this and wine beats the crap out of $150 an hour for a therapist. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a liver transplant when this is all said and done, or rehab at the very least. Russell texted me this AM to tell me that the store that he works in is having a suit sale this weekend. He suggested I come in and buy one, you know for interviews. HAHA! Guess what? I'm not even LOOKING for a full time job until AFTER April when I hear whether or not I get accepted into the MSW program. Our deal is that if I get accepted, he will continue to support me fully for the 2 years that I'm in the program. If I don't then he will keep supporting me until I can find a full time job and establish myself some financially. I don't mean to sound bitchy about this, but WE decided that once we moved to Hawaii and paid off our debt that I would only work part time to be home with Chloe more. I went ahead and got the suit though...hell, I might as well buy clothes as long as he's footing the bill.
Here's a little devious behavior on my part...the end result was delicious. He's currently out swimming with a friend in the front yard of our house and he left his phone inside. I read through his texts and found one from this guy that was a mutual acquaintance of Russell and the guy that Russell recall the one that I said "If you keep seeing him, I will leave you."? So, the text said "Jesse was bad for you anyway...he was always a whore in the clubs.". Guess he wasn't quite as into Russell as Russell wanted to think he was...although I guess the last laugh might be on me after I get myself tested at the ob/gyn next week.


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