If He'll Cheat With You...

Miranda, your post lit a fire under my ass. I read those comments and was appalled. First, let me say that I grew up hearing my Mama say "If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you.". Now interestingly enough in adulthood, I reminded her of hearing that phrase my whole life when I was telling her about my current state of affairs (hmm, and I mean that literally in this case) and she denied EVER saying it...lol, but she did and she said it often enough it stuck. Now, I have no intention of ever being with Owen. I mean, I guess if things were different I would consider it, but they are what they are and I'm very happy with our current arrangement. I have a lot more thoughts on this whole situation regarding your posting, but I'll save them up for later as to not make this too lengthy. All that being said, I've been SHOCKED by the number of people that have told me how unhappy they are since I've told them Russell and I are splitting. I mean, it's a little unnerving...is anyone happy anymore in their marriages? (Please note that is a rhetorical question.) For years (3 now), I've read more Craig's List and other website posts and replies coming from married men than I care to admit. If people were happily married, they wouldn't cheat in the 1st place...hello. I don't lure these men....they find me. Owen found me...I didn't stalk and trap him into my bed...he willingly came. Ok, soap box over...onto funny.
My bff, Cindy, has been living in the kind of situation that Russell and I are moving into. She and her husband, Ryan, have been living as roommates for a long time. Their situation is complicated as well, but it works for them in a lot of ways. I told her about Craig's List the other day after I finally came clean to her about my affairs and she got on it this week. She has found a guy and is ecstatic about it. I love seeing her happy again, since Ryan has pretty much sucked for a long time. Here's the funny....maybe it was just funny to us...I don't know, but it cracked me up! We were talking on the phone today about her new guy and she was telling me that he matches his socks and ties. She said, "You know how a woman puts on matching bras and panties and we feel sexy inside? It's the same for guys when their socks and ties match." OMG I was ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. I would welcome comments about this if we have any male readers...does your sock/tie matching make you feel sexy inside?


  1. Matching ties with SOCKS? Never, ever in my life have I done that. Like anyone else, I like to look good and so when I've got on a new shirt or tie or whatever I think I look good in, then I feel sexy. When I'm meeting someone special, I do like to wear some certain underwear (or sometimes, none at all) and THAT makes me feel sexy as hell. The only thing sexy about a tie is maybe using it for a blindfold or for playfully tieing a woman's hands together.

  2. LOL, I thought the whole conversation was hilarious. I've never heard of a guy saying that, but she referenced like 2 different people! I never pegged you for a shirt and tie kind of guys anyway though.

  3. What a hilarious comment! If I was with a guy and realized his socks and tie matched, I might be a little worried! As far as matching the panties/bra, for oh the last far too many years I've been with Duckie, I never cared what they looked like. Though right after Swayer, ahem, entered the picture I admit to the old affair cliche that I ran right out and bought a slew of new cutesy drawers! Now they always match or at least cleverly coordinate! Miranda


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