In Good Hands

Things have been improving between me and Coach since our chat Thursday night. I’ll admit that Friday I was feeling pretty “off” around him and I was not quite comfortable. When we were hanging out Friday night I kept catching myself throwing little verbal grenades at him which is not exactly therapeutic – LOL! Saturday I had to give myself a little lecture about moving on and letting go if I was really going to stick this out and that seemed to help.

Saturday we pretty much did our own thing but then he surprised me and the kids by showing up at my nephew’s basketball game in the afternoon. It was a good surprise if you’re wondering lol. Afterwards he ran some errands with us and then took Ladybug for a couple hours while Leo and I had a little mother/son bonding time picking out a Valentine’s present for Coach.

While we were shopping, Coach took Ladybug over to his sister’s house where she played with his niece and actually met both his parents. As is her nature, she had them totally wrapped around her little finger in no time and she thoroughly entertained them. It’s pretty funny to think that she met his parents before I did. Then he took us all out to dinner and we finally got around to having some hot make up sex and I have to say, he didn’t disappoint.

Sorry for the poor PhotoShopping!
Coach is really good, I mean really good as in I am channeling Jules and having a ton of orgasms each time. And Saturday night he was determined to make it up to me big time. We had super intense sex for the longest time and he loves to play some, then have sex for a while, then play some more, then have more sex. I swear he toys with me for the longest time and I happen to LOVE it! Plus he has these huge hands and the things he can do with his fingers…. Sorry I totally just started drooling at my desk! HA! Let’s just say after my self pep talk and the outrageous make up sex I was feeling back to my normal self with Coach.

Anyways, it’s been in the works for a while now for me to meet his parents and I did yesterday at their Super Bowl party. I totally felt like a 16 year old too going to meet my boyfriend’s parents – LOL! At least now I’m old enough to know how to make chit chat. They were actually super sweet and really, really funny. The kids felt right at home and Coach was clearly so happy to have us there. His parents were cute too because you could totally tell they were happy to see their son so happy. Plus I think they were thrilled to have him with someone who’s not a crazy uber-bitch like his ex.

So I really feel like things are back on the up and up with him. I did reiterate that this was his one “get out of jail” card with me and I also told him Jules and Gwyn know everything. I think that made him super nervous lol because he knows he’ll see Gwyn in the near future. But really I do feel like I’m letting go of it all so we can move forward. The DC thing is still an issue because I really don’t want to be in a long distance relationship.

I’ve been trying to think what I would have done if I’d known the whole story about that from the beginning. I want to say that I’d have kept things more casual with him but I know I might have tried that but I’d still feel the same way I do now about him. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how it goes. I did get sad last night thinking about not being able to see him but a few weekends a month. I’ve gotten really used to having him around. When the kids are with me I don’t think I’ll notice it as much but those weeks without them. Miranda’s going to have to rekindle some of her single girl behavior to get used to those weeks alone.

Two weeks from today I think Miranda will be a pretty sad girlfriend.



  1. Channeling Jules...LMAO! I'm glad things are better and he's committed to being honest and putting all of his cards on the table. I think it will definitely suck going back to just a few weekends a month, so what do you mean you are going to rekindle some of your single girl behavior? It sounds like you really are channeling me!

  2. HAHA! Not exactly what I meant. More that I'm going to have to start entertaining myself more, hanging out with the girls, and getting my lazy self back to the gym! All this eating out with Coach is starting to add up in a very not so good way! I think my double-dipping days with boys are done. Well at least for now ;) - Miranda


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