Oh Holy Hell...Karma Must Be Pissed At Me

When it rains, it motherfucking pours...I mean seriously. This morning on the way to work, I was thinking how strange I haven't heard from Owen since our market run in. I had thought maybe he was just laying low due to my bff visiting, but it seems not. I sent him a text saying "what's up?". He responded that he's sorry he's been out of communication, but one of his friends told him that Owen's wife told this guy's wife that she's pretty sure Owen is having an affair. Holy Fuck! Owen has assured me in the past that he erases all of our emails and texts, but omg why else would she think this unless she found something?! I don't call (text only) and we only text when he's out. (I texted him this am because I know his schedule and I knew he was working.) I've never been to his house. We only have sex in his van or at my house. My only pause is that maybe Gavin really does know him and said something to someone, but Gavin would have brought it up with me. He's just that kind of guy...he would have asked me how I knew him or something. So, we finished our text convo today by me telling him that I'm sorry and I hope things work out. He said he needed to lay low and "not saying we'll never do it again but have to be REAL careful!! You'll get a text out of the blue for sure". Really?? I mean we all know I'll answer his text, but I'm just saying...
Russell moves back in tonight until he finds a place...wish me lots of luck, peace, and good humor.


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